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64-bit integer math (PASM) — Parallax Forums

64-bit integer math (PASM)

ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,179
edited 2013-12-11 21:51 in Propeller 1
I found out that sometimes it's easier and more efficient (code size) to use 64 bit math instead of trying to fit everything into 32 bits with lots of shift operations. In this thread I'd like to share my solutions for simple math routines in assembler. Suggestions for improvements/optimisations are welcome.

64 bit add and subtract are easy and are documeted in the propeller manual.
' unsigned x:= x+y (or also signed if flags don't care)
    add  xl,yl wz,wc
    addx xh,yh wz

' signed
    add xl,yl wz,wc
    addsx xh,yh wz

' unsigned x:= x-y
    sub xl,yl wc,wz
    subx xh,yh wz   ' signed: use subsx

If you have to add a signed 32 bit value to a 64 bit long you can use this:
    move temp,y
    sar  temp,#31    ' sign extend
    add  xl,y wc
    addx xh,temp

However, abs and neg are a bit more difficult.
            abs  xh,xh wc,wz
if_c        neg  xl,xl wz
if_c_and_nz sub  xh,#1
if_nc_and_z mov xl,xl wz   ' test for Z-flag (optional)

      neg  xl,xl wz
      neg  xh,xh wc
if_nz sub  xh,#1
if_z  mov  xh,xh wz   ' test for Z-flag (optional)


  • ManAtWorkManAtWork Posts: 2,179
    edited 2013-12-11 07:37
    Here is a 64:32 fixed point division. xh is the dividend "whole part" and xl the "fractional part". x is divided by y, the quotient is returned in xl, the remainder in xh.
                  mov    count,#32
                  shl    xl,#1 wc
                  rcl    xh,#1
    divloop       cmpsub xh,y wc
                  rcl    xl,#1 wc
                  rcl    xh,#1
                  djnz   count,#divloop
    It is assumed that xh[31..30] and y[31] are 0. This is no problem in my case because the input has a limited range and the sign bits are always vleared. Does anybody have a division routine without this restrictions?
  • jmgjmg Posts: 15,188
    edited 2013-12-11 14:30
    ManAtWork wrote: »
    I found out that sometimes it's easier and more efficient (code size) to use 64 bit math instead of trying to fit everything into 32 bits with lots of shift operations. In this thread I'd like to share my solutions for simple math routines in assembler.


    One 64 bit lib that is nice to have, that can extend the use of 32 bit, is the classic scaling algorithm

    R = (A * B) / C

    Here A * B => 64 bit results, and then 64/32(C) applies to that result. The 64 bit value is important, but hidden from the user.

    and another is Binary to BCD, see the Prop2 thread for some examples.
  • richaj45richaj45 Posts: 179
    edited 2013-12-11 18:04
    How about a 32x32 signed and unsigned multiply?

  • average joeaverage joe Posts: 795
    edited 2013-12-11 21:51
    Here's my 64 bit add, subtract, multiply and divide object. Not perfect, the multiply could be optimized but seems to work well enough. It does use 1 pin to signal PASM there is an operation waiting. This is to keep power consumption low, instead of staying in a rdlong loop.
    //      64 bit signed addition and subtraction methods                          //
    //      Author : Joe Heinz                                                      //
    //      Copyright : Joe Heinz - 2013                                            //
    //      Grateful acknowledgement to kuroneko (parallax forum)                   //
    //      data structure as follows :                                             //
    //      VAR  long  hostLong1, hostLong2, nodeLong1, nodeLong2                   //
    DAT       '' mailboxes
    pin       long    ' local copy of control pin
    hPtr      long    ' local copy of host pointer
    nPtr      long    ' local copy of node pointer
    function  byte    ' local copy of function
    cog       byte    ' cog PASM object is running in
    PUB NULL        ' not a top level object
    PUB Start(controlPin)                   '' Start math object in new cog 
    //  controlPin is pin used to indicate there is a math operation to do          //
    //  returns cog ASM engine was run in or false if no cog available              //
        pin   := controlPin                                   ' move controlPin to pin
        hPtr  := |< pin                                       ' decode pin into hPtr
        outa[pin] := 0                                        ' make pin low
        dira[pin] := 1                                        ' make pin an output
        cog   := cognew(@entry, @pin) +1                      ' start asm cog
        return cog                                            ' return cog
    PUB Stop                                '' Stop Math Cog
       if cog
         cogstop(cog~~ - 1)  
    PUB Addition(hostPtr, nodePtr)          '' Perform 64 bit subtraction
    //  hostPtr is pointer to least significant long of host time                   //  
    //  nodePtr is pointer to least significant long of node time                   //
    //  result of addition is stored in host longs                                  //
      DoMath(hostPtr, nodePtr, "a")
    PUB Subtraction(hostPtr, nodePtr)       '' Perform 64 bit subtraction
    //  hostPtr is pointer to least significant long of host time, minuend          //  
    //  nodePtr is pointer to least significant long of node time, subtractend      //
    //  result of subtraction is stored in host longs                               //
       DoMath(hostPtr, nodePtr, "s")
    PUB multiply(hostPtr, nodePtr)          '' Perform 64 bit subtraction
    //  hostPtr is pointer to least significant long of multiplicand                //  
    //  nodePtr is pointer to multiplier                                            //
    //  result of multiplication is stored in host longs                            //
       DoMath(hostPtr, nodePtr, "m")  
    PUB divide(hostPtr, nodePtr)            '' Perform 64 bit subtraction
    //  hostPtr is pointer to least significant long of dividend                    //  
    //  nodePtr is pointer to divisor                                               //
    //  result of division is stored in host longs                                  //
    //  remainder is stored in nodelong1                                            //
      DoMath(hostPtr, nodePtr, "d")    
    PRI DoMath(hoPtr, noPtr, func)          '' do the math operation
      hPtr     := hoPtr                                         ' move pointers to mailboxes
      nPtr     := noPtr                                         ' move pointers to mailboxes
      function := func                                          ' move pointers to mailboxes
      outa[pin] := 1                                            ' make pin high
      repeat while function                                     ' wait for asm cog to finish
      outa[pin] := 0                                            ' make pin low
    DAT       org       
    entry             mov       address, par                    ' get first address of passing method, hPtr                                      4    3
                      rdlong    cpin, par                       ' get pin from pointer
                      add       address, #4                     ' add long offset
                      rdword    host_ptr, address               ' read the address to get pointer to Least Significant long of host time         8   1*2   2
                      add       address, #4                     ' add a word offset to address, points to nPtr                                   4    3
                      rdword    node_ptr, address               ' read the address to get pointer to Least Significant long of node time         8   1*2   3
                      add       address, #4                     ' add a word offset to address, points to function                               4    3  
    loop              waitpne   zero, cpin                      ' wait for pin to be high
                      rdbyte    funct, address                  ' read the function type *add or subtract*                                       8   1*2   4
                      rdlong    host_long1, host_ptr            ' get least significant long of host time                                        8   1*2   5
                      add       host_ptr, #4                    ' add long offset to host pointer                                                4    3
                      rdlong    host_long2, host_ptr            ' get most significant long of host time                                         8   1*2   6
                      rdlong    node_long1, node_ptr            ' get least significant long of node time                                        8   1*2   7
                      add       node_ptr, #4                    ' add long offset to node pointer                                                4    3
                      rdlong    node_long2, node_ptr            ' get most significant long of node time
                      cmp       funct, #"a"   wz
          if_z        call      #addi   
                      cmp       funct, #"s"   wz
          if_z        call      #subt      
                      cmp       funct, #"m"   wz
          if_z        call      #mult                              
                      cmp       funct, #"d"   wz
          if_z        call      #div      
    write             wrlong    host_long2, host_ptr            ' write most significant long of result                                          8   1*2   9
                      sub       host_ptr, #4                    ' subtract long offset from host pointer                                         4    3
                      wrlong    host_long1, host_ptr            ' write least significant long of result                                         8   1*2   10
                      wrlong    node_long2, node_ptr            ' write most significant long of result
                      sub       node_ptr, #4                    ' subtract long offset from node pointer
                      wrlong    node_long1, node_ptr            ' write least significant long of result
                      wrlong    zero, address                   ' clear function to return to caller                                         8   1*2   11
                      jmp       #loop                           ' 
                      cmp   node_long1, zero    wz              ' check to see if divisor is zero
              if_z    mov   host_long1, zero                    ' and zero out result
              if_z    mov   host_long2, zero                    ' undefined
              if_z    jmp   #write                              ' write to buffers
                      ' find most significant bit shift offset of divisor < mplace = 0 to 31 >             
                      mov   mplace, #0                          ' prepare MSB place
    findm             rol   node_long1, #1            wc        ' rotate divisor left 1 place and check for overflow   
              if_nc   add   mplace, #1                          ' if no overflow, add 1 to MSB place
              if_nc   jmp   #findm                              ' repeat loop until overflow
                      ror   node_long1, #1                      ' rotate back one                   
                      mov   mask, #1                            ' prepare mask
                      mov   tmp, mplace                         ' move msb shift factor to tmp for itteration count
                      shl   mask, mplace                        ' move mask by msb shift factor                  
    div2              cmpsub host_long2, node_long1   wc        ' subtract divsor from dividend and watch for subtraction
                      muxc  d2, mask                            ' mux c flag to d2 at mask place
                      cmpsub tmp, #1                  wz        ' subtract 1 from shift factor watching for last division
              if_nz   shr   mask, #1                            ' shift mask right by 1
              if_nz   shr   node_long1, #1                      ' shift divisor right by 1
              if_nz   jmp   #div2                               ' and do loop again                 
                      shr   mask, #1                            ' shift mask right by 1
                      shr   node_long1, #1                      ' shift divisor right by 1                                     
                      cmpsub host_long2, node_long1   wc        ' subtract divsor from dividend and watch for subtraction
                      muxc  d2, mask                            ' mux c flag to d2 at mask place
                      sub   tmp, #1                   wz        ' subtract 1 from shift factor watching for last division
                      mov   tmp, #1                             ' move 1 to tmp for muxc
                      shl   mask, #31                           ' move mask to MSB
                      mov   temp, #32                           ' move 32 to temp for itteration count                   
    div1              shl   host_long2, #1                      ' make room for next bit from LSL
                      shl   host_long1, #1            wc        ' shift next bit from LSL watching for carry
                      muxc  host_long2, tmp                     ' mux carry into MSL
                      cmpsub host_long2, node_long1   wc        ' subtract divisor from MSL, watch for subtraction
                      muxc  d1, mask                            ' mux c flag to d1  
                      sub   temp, #1                  wz        ' subtract 1 from itteration count
              if_nz   shr   mask, #1                            ' move mask to next place
              if_nz   jmp   #div1                               ' do loop again         
                      mov   node_long1, host_long2              ' move remainder in node_long1
                      mov   node_long2, #0                      ' move zero to node_long2
                      mov   host_long2,  d2                     ' move d2 to host_long2    
                      mov   host_long1,  d1                     ' move d1 to host_long1  
    div_ret           ret
    mult              mov       multiplier, node_long1          ' get multiplier from node_long1 and place in multiplier
                      cmp       multiplier, zero          wz    ' check for multiply by 0
    if_z              mov       host_long1, zero                ' if multiply by zero just zero host_long1
    if_z              mov       host_long2, zero                ' and zero host_long2
    if_z              jmp       #write                          ' jump to write         
                      mov       node_long1, host_long1          ' else copy longs for repeated addidion
                      mov       node_long2, host_long2          ' copy the next long
                      sub       multiplier, #1                  ' subtract one from multiplier
    :loop             call      #addi                           ' jmp to add
                      djnz      multiplier, #:loop              ' and loop
    mult_ret          ret                  
    subt              sub       host_long1, node_long1  wc      ' do first subtraction and write c flag                                          4    4
                      subsx     host_long2, node_long2          ' do second subtraction  
    subt_ret          ret
    addi              add       host_long1, node_long1  wc      ' do first addition and write c flag
                      addsx     host_long2, node_long2          ' do second addition
    addi_ret          ret
    zero          long 0
    address       res
    host_ptr      res
    node_ptr      res
    host_long1    res
    host_long2    res
    node_long1    res
    node_long2    res
    funct         res
    p_cog         res 
    multiplier    res
    mask          res
    tmp           res
    temp          res
    mplace        res
    d2            res 
    d1            res
    cpin          res
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