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Stingray with 28034 Linefollower trouble — Parallax Forums

Stingray with 28034 Linefollower trouble

jim N8RHQjim N8RHQ Posts: 85
edited 2013-12-11 15:35 in Robotics
Has anyone successfully interfaced the 28034 Linefollower module with the Stingray MSR1 controller board?

I can make it work properly all day long with my Quickstart board, no problem.

Even after installing the bypass header, and disabling the translator, I still cant get it to work. When any
particular sensor is over a line, its LED never goes out, and no change can be read by the prop. I've tried
pins 16..23 and 8..15, makes no difference. Have even tried multiple Linefollower modules.
I've wired them enough times to be certain my wiring is correct. Have even tried powering with 3.3v and 5v.
Didn't think that would change anything, and it didn't. It's like the translator's inputs are interfering, even
thought it's disabled.

That leaves code. Pretty sure I got that one nailed. Code attached for completeness. Currently configed for pins 16..23

Kind of tired of banging my head on this one. So any help would be greatly appreciated. Even if it's just knowing that
someone else got one working with their MSR1.

Both 28034s are Rev A if there happens to be more than one.



  • Nick ErnstNick Ernst Posts: 138
    edited 2013-12-11 09:37
    I just grabbed what is probably the last MSR1 board here at Parallax and did some testing on it with the Line Follower kit. What I found is that to get the Line Follower to work with the board, you will need to have the bypass header soldered in with a jumper installed on it, as well as solder a header into the 8-pin SIP through holes on the Propeller side of the logic, that was a lot to say! Once this is done, I was able to get the Line Follower and Propeller to communicate as they should. I have included a picture of my setup below as well. Let me know if this works for you, or if you have different results that I did.
    1024 x 768 - 84K
  • jim N8RHQjim N8RHQ Posts: 85
    edited 2013-12-11 15:35
    Thanks Nick,
    Yup, did all that, and was still having trouble. Did some probing with the voltmeter and found .95v on a sensor line when it was over a line and connected to the MSR1. 2.84v when disconnected from the MSR1, and 2.85v when connected to the Quickstart. WTF, the translator must be interfering right? Also read .045v on a sensor line when over a white surface connected or not.

    Further inspection revealed a cold/poor solder joint on one side of the bypass header. Feeling a little stupid now. But also very happy to have it working now. Thanks for the help. You guys are the BEST!
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