Eddie Rotate Degrees Not Working Correctly
I am trying to get the Eddie to Rotate a certain number of degrees, It Doesn't seem to matter what I put in the input values for degrees and power only the right motor turns on for 2 seconds and then stops. I would think that the eddie's right motor should travel in one direction and the left motor in the other to rotate the eddie, and then it should only rotate the degrees specified.
I'm thinking there is something wrong with the encoder or the firmware I have placed on the eddie control board.
When installing the firmware on the Eddie I think this is the process. Download the eddie firmware. Open up the propeller tool. Open the Eddie.spin file and upload to the control board. Is there something that I need to do to make sure I'm using the code for the new Quadrature Encoders, and not the older encoders?
I'm thinking there is something wrong with the encoder or the firmware I have placed on the eddie control board.
When installing the firmware on the Eddie I think this is the process. Download the eddie firmware. Open up the propeller tool. Open the Eddie.spin file and upload to the control board. Is there something that I need to do to make sure I'm using the code for the new Quadrature Encoders, and not the older encoders?
What firmware version did you load onto the control board? Version 1.3 is what you need to use the quadrature encoders. If you are using the old position controllers (green circuit board on the encoders), you need the older firmware version. What command and parameters are you using to make the robot turn? There are different commands to allow it to do different types of turning. It can turn in place (as you hypothesized above), or it can power one wheel and pivot on the other. Double check the wiring to the encoders, and the firmware version. typing the command "ver" will return the firmware version in hexadecimal. Good Luck!