Also, How do I change the default pin numbers that abdrive.h uses?
In SimpleIDE, use Help -> Simple Library Reference. Then, follow the link to abdrive.h, and it should list a functions for changing the servo and encoder pins.
OK. I think I got all the bugs worked out. Everything compiles just fine now after starting fresh and creating a new project. Now, how would I go about modifying this code to not use encoders? I would like to try it out on my Wild Thumper project. The problem is that it would be very difficult to use encoders on the WT. I am using servodiffdrive.h for my current IR set up on the WT and it is working great. If I could implement it in to this code that would be great. However, I am confused as to how to do that.
Try the approach from post number 36 again. Look for the section titled Functions, it's got a nice list of the functions you can use. ...and I'll bet there's one in there for enabling/disabling encoder feedback.
What is OARD ?
The project in the .zip file is KenichiActivityBot.side .... What happens if you unzip and open that?
Maybe you can list the file contents of OARD?
Something is totally wrong.
In SimpleIDE, use Help -> Simple Library Reference. Then, follow the link to abdrive.h, and it should list a functions for changing the servo and encoder pins.
I've copied KenichiActivityBot.h below.
Change the values in the define // Bluetooth/UART section to match your pins.
EDIT: Question, what is this? If I change my Servo Pins to 14 and 15 does this also need to be changed?