Another Fine Product Discontinued?

The Propeller Servo Controller, (at least the current one), is in it's final build. Only 5 left. I hope there is another in the works. They are handy little boards.
I'm speculating that they will come out with a new one with different translator chips.
I'm speculating that they will come out with a new one with different translator chips.
I should hope so. The propeller as a servo controller with USB and TTL input with an external power jack is basically a killer app for the propeller chip.
If Parallax makes a new version I hope they make it so you can use 28 servos instead of just 16.
If you buy two, you can cover 32 servos.. 4 more than your 28. I suspect that after 16 servos from one board, the demand for a single board solution drops way way down.
I have a little controller for 8 servos, and I've never used all 8.
Actually just about any Propeller board could drive 32 servos, but you need some way of keeping P28 - P31 free while it boots up. No need for two boards.
And of course people will need more than 16 servo. It takes 18 to make a pile of Popsicle sticks walk (well, almost walk).
Fortunately Paul K took pity on me after seeing my failed hexapod and sent me one of his kits.
I often use all 32 I/O pins on the Prop and I think it's too bad the PSC didn't have the other I/O pins accessible.
On the number of servos: 18 is a better minimum than 16. With 16 you can't drive a 3 DOF hexapod, for example, and adding another PSC for just two servos seems wasteful. Each added servo increases the cost a bit, so there needs to be some practical number that works for 95%+ projects while keeping down costs. I'd probably opt for a board that supports 24, breaking out the power for the servo terminals in at least two sets, and offering a jumper to select the power source for those sets. That brings it in line with Pololu's top-end servo controller, which is a very handy board.
That said, servo controllers are something of an odd duck with limited appeal unless there's firmware or examples for making it easier for people to program all those servos. Lynxmotion's approach was to include several types of gaits for their legged robots, even providing inverse kinematics software to simplify the task. It sold robot kits for sure. The majority of people would find it difficult to properly code various walking styles for multi-legged robots, snakes, and other unusual projects.
I loved that thread and object! But I could not bring myself to purchase 144 servos to see it work.
We can post all the files here if anybody wants to pick up the manufacturing of this product. You can have them, free of restrictions!
Or should I hoard the last 5 units ( I don't even have one!), squirrel them away for 20 years, then send you one for your archives, as was the case with the Stamp Activity Board?
Who am I kidding? I'll be dead long before another 20 years goes by. These girls of mine (or their boyfriends) will run me ragged and kill me off long before then.
That sounds like a good idea but we'd probably run into the same issues of having to order 1000 or cost issues here. It sounds like something that an open-source community could easily do and you could even have a pool for the boards to be ordered. :nerd: