I had to watch, and listen, to that vid twice. Apart from the fact that it's a stupid vid I can't detect anything foul about it. There was worse language in the school yard as far as I remember.
I have always wondered about this. I have noticed that mentioning a certain horse like animal by name is "beeped" out with asterisks on this forum whilst at the same time the English version of the same thing is not. And far more offensive English words can get by as well.
I had to watch, and listen, to that vid twice. Apart from the fact that it's a stupid vid I can't detect anything foul about it. There was worse language in the school yard as far as I remember.
I have always wondered about this. I have noticed that mentioning a certain horse like animal by name is "beeped" out with asterisks on this forum whilst at the same time the English version of the same thing is not. And far more offensive English words can get by as well.