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errors in making eddie move forward — Parallax Forums

errors in making eddie move forward

RozaRoza Posts: 11
edited 2013-12-07 13:17 in Robotics
I am trying to move Eddie 1 m forward. Above is the VPL code for testing:379028

When I connect Eddie and associate a Eddie.Manifest.xml and execute vpl, it shows errors:
379029Any idea how to solve this?


  • T3rr0rByte13T3rr0rByte13 Posts: 29
    edited 2013-12-01 10:51
    Your pictures seem to be broken, post again and maybe I help troubleshoot. Typically the manifest that I use is the Eddie.ObsticleAvoid.Manifest.xml
  • PhilWheatPhilWheat Posts: 14
    edited 2013-12-07 13:17
    Also - which encoders are you using? Make sure your firmware and encoder versions match up.

    Have you tried a straight serial command to ensure the Eddie itself can move forward? A simple TRVL 20 20 would be a good quick test.
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