ActivityBot2013-10-31 problem
Posts: 3,837
I just installed SimpleIDE 0.9.44 and the ActivityBot2013-10-31 folder, and after reading the Documentation for abdrive, I noticed a command called 'drive_getTics()'. So, I decided to see what that is all about, but I keep getting a compile error, 'no such command', even though I have the '#include "abdrive.h" in my program. Is there a problem with the abdrive library, or is something else going on? Since this is not my first time with the IDE, I thought I had all the correct libraries associated with the program.
/* test_AB.c */ #include "simpletools.h" #include "abdrive.h" int main() { // Add startup code here. drive_getTics(); while(1) { // Add main loop code here. } }
Please uninstall 0-9-44, and install SimpleIDE 0-9-45 which was posted today to:
I accidentally posted the wrong package the first time. Sorry about that.
There's a "Documentation abdrive Library.html" page in your ActivityBot2013-10-31 folder that explains the library's functions. In the drive_getTicks section, it explains that the *left and *right parameters have to be pointers to the variables that you want loaded with the left and right ticks. Here is an example that declares variables and passes their pointers to the drive_getTicks function:
The abdrive library is still getting updated on a regular basis, so we are not including it with the software yet. So yes, please copy the ActivityBot2013-10-31 folder back into Simple Libraries and restart SimpleIDE. Also make sure to correct your drive_getTicks call (discussed in previous post).
(@Ray, Steve just happened to see your email within the hour of posting the 0-9-45 Windows installer to the open source project code repository. We had not yet finished updating our own web resources to use the new packages.)
The tutorial for this came out a few days ago with a download. We'll probably add it to the next SimpleIDE. So for now, the IR remote library is a download on this page:
Its function names are different from what you've been using, so some code updates will be necessary.