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Scara robot using servos and hardware store components (Video) — Parallax Forums

Scara robot using servos and hardware store components (Video)

Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
edited 2013-12-24 06:50 in Robotics
My latest project is a Scara robot which is a robot arm that works in a horizontal plane. It's anthropomorphic because it has a shoulder and elbow joint, but usually the end effector just moves up and down rather than the arm as a whole. This arrangement simplifies control over a revolute coodinate arm, but inverse kinematics are still helpful. In the general discussion forum I posted a FORTH program to do inverse kinematics using fixed point trig. My previous IK robot arms used C++ with floating point, but I want to use FORTH this time to allow interactive control like my FORTH powered drawbot.

I had planned to wait until I completed this project before writing it up, but I decided documenting as I go will help keep me motiviated. If anyone else is interested in building one feel free to ask questions. Any suggestions (particularly about the end effector) would be welcome too. Here's the bill of materials:
3 standard sized servos and horns. I'm using Power HD metal gear servos. ($10-$19)
1/4 inch ID aluminum U channel ($6)
three sets of servo brackets. I'm using sintra brackets from budget robotics ($2)
4-40 5/8 " bolts, nuts, and washers. ($3)
A block of scrap wood to mount it on.
Some metal to make a shoulder bracket ($2) 
Battery holder for 4 D batteries. This was free as it was salvage. I'm using D batteries to add weight to the base, and power it.
A Propeller project board ($20).

Again this is a much simplier build than a revolute arm. Here's what I've done so far:

1. Cut two 7" pieces of U channel and drill 4-40 size holes every 1/2" to allow for experimentation with mounting.


2. On the first piece of U channel mount two servos using servo brackets. Here's a picture:


3. On the second piece of U channel enlarge a hole to allow access to a servo spline screw.

4. Make or buy a bracket to create a yoke for the shoulder joint. I make my own and glue a screw to the bottom of the servo to create the idler pivot. You can see the bracket in the first picture and the mounting below.

5. Screw the bracket to the wooden base, screw the servo horn to the bracket, and mount the servo bottom pivot. Use your strongest servo for this joint as it will be bearing the largest load.


6. Screw the second piece of U channel to the second servo horn.


7. Mount the third servo at the end of the arm perpendicular to the other two. This servo will be used for the end effector lift mechanism. It will be best to use a lighter servo here to keep the mass lower.


8. Mount the battery hold on the base and the control board above it. You'll need at least 3 servo headers, but the project board has four, so it will do nicely. Using D sized batteries allows the arm to fully extend without falling over as seen below.


This forms the basic structure of the arm and I now plan to finish up the IK code. I already have some C++ and Spin IK code from prior projects, so if anyone is interested in building one of these but doesn't want to deal with FORTH I can post that too.
1024 x 768 - 60K
1024 x 768 - 96K
1024 x 768 - 99K
1024 x 768 - 91K
1024 x 768 - 89K
1024 x 768 - 81K
1024 x 1365 - 155K
1024 x 768 - 70K


  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2013-11-22 20:25
    Too cool, Martin_H! Looking forward to seeing some video of this bad boy in action. Tower of Hanoi is calling!
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2013-11-26 19:04
    Thanks Erco.

    For anyone who's curious, below is the Propforth IK code debugged up to the set_position method.
    \ Note: The goal is to write code that is as portable as possible.
    \ So I'll define gforth compatibility words to avoid using PropForth-isms
    : cells 4 * ;
    : -rot rot rot ;
    : ! L! ;
    : @ L@ ;
    \ arithmetic shift right n i bits
    \ ( n i -- n )
    : asr/
        dup 0>
            \ while i > 0 shift right.
            0 do
    hex \ Change radix in a portable manner.
    \ begin of fixed point trig functions.
    \ Values for common angles in brad13
    0016 constant DEGREE_ANGLE
    0400 constant EIGHTH_ANGLE
    0800 constant RIGHT_ANGLE
    1000 constant STRAIGHT_ANGLE
    \ sin function using brads ( brad13 -- sin32 )
    \ The sine table contains one quadrant, so we'll need to
    \ work around that when generating the index into the table.
    \ note use um* with the return value!
    : sin
        dup \ save a copy of input for later.
        dup RIGHT_ANGLE and
            \ ranges from 800 to 001
            negate FFF and
            \ ranges from 000 to 7FF
            7FF and
        \ convert to word count and index into sin table
        2* E000 + W@
        \ bit shift to 32 bits for future um*
        F lshift
        \ use the sign from the preserved value.
        STRAIGHT_ANGLE and
    \ cos defined in terms of sin by coordinate rotation.
    : cos
        RIGHT_ANGLE +
    \ tangent can be derived from sine / cos. Both sine and cos are
    \ fast table lookups, so this is only a division more expensive
    \ than sine.
    \ ( brad13 -- tan )
    : tan
        swap cos
        \ Note that we shift the cos down because we only want the 
        \ numerator shifted left!
        15 asr/
    \ compute asin via a binary search.
    \ Note: we're shifting angles up two bits to allow for greater
    \ precision during the search. It will be shifted back before return.
    \ ( sin - brad13 )
    : asin
        \ push the first approximation and correction
        0 EIGHTH_ANGLE 4*
        \ refine approximation and correction iteratively
        13 0 do
            \ move the correction to the bottom of stack.
            \ compare the sine of the approximation to the value.
            2dup 2/ 2/ sin >
                \ The approximation is too small, add the correction.
                rot dup -rot +
                \ The approximation is too large, so decrease it.
                rot dup -rot -
            \ half the correction factor for next iterration.
            swap 2/
        \ return only the approximation.
        drop swap drop 2/ 2/
    \ acos is defined in terms of asin
    \ ( cos -- brad13 )
    : acos
        asin RIGHT_ANGLE - negate
    \ 13-bit fixed point four-quadrant arctangent. Given Cartesian vector (x, y),
    \ finds the angle subtended by the vector and the positive x-axis.
    \ y a signed integer
    \ x a signed integer
    \ ( y x -- brad13 )
    : atan2
        \ save x to use its sign to adjust results
        dup -rot
        \ form a fixed point y/x ratio from the inputs
        swap 15 lshift swap /
        \ push the first approximation and correction
        0 EIGHTH_ANGLE 4*
        \ refine approximation and correction iteratively
        13 0 do
            \ move the correction to the bottom of stack.
            \ compare the sine of the approximation to the value.
            2dup 2/ 2/ tan >
                \ The approximation is too small, add the correction.
                rot dup -rot +
                \ The approximation is too large, so decrease it.
                rot dup -rot -
            \ half the correction factor for next iterration.
            swap 2/
        \ return only the approximation.
        drop swap drop 2/ 2/
        \ if x's sign was negative, then move results into 3 & 4 quadrants.
        swap 0< if
            STRAIGHT_ANGLE +
    \ end of fixed point trig functions.
    \ begin of utility functions.
    \ Clamps n between max and min to prevent inverse trig function overflow
    \ ( n -- clamped_value )
    : clamp
        RIGHT_ANGLE negate sin max
        RIGHT_ANGLE sin min
    \ Heater's Integer sqrt function
    : isqrtloop
            dup 0=  if exit then
            swap over or
            swap -rot 2dup swap <=
                swap over -
                swap rot swap over +
                rot swap over -
            1 rshift
            swap 2 rshift
        0 until
    \ Integer square root ( i -- s )
    : isqrt
        0 1 30 lshift isqrtloop drop swap drop
    \ squares the input ( i -- i*i )
    : square
        dup *
    \ end utility functions
    \ begin inverse kinematics code
    0 constant SHOULDER
    1 constant ELBOW
    2 constant WRIST
    3 constant COUNT
    \ Size of robot bones in consistent units (mm recommended).
    variable humerus
    variable ulna
    variable humerus_sq
    variable ulna_sq
    \ Coordinate of pen tip in Cartesian space.
    variable x
    variable y
    \ Coordinates in arm scara polar space.
    variable shoulder_angle
    variable elbow_angle
    \ working variables during IK calculations
    variable s_w
    variable s_w_sqrt
    \ arrays to hold servo properties
    variable servo_center COUNT cells allot
    : servo_center() cells servo_center + ;
    variable servo_pin COUNT cells allot
    : servo_pin() cells servo_pin + ;
    \ Converts brads to a pulse with by using the ratio
    \ brads * steps / brads
    \ ( brads -- pulse width )
    : brads_to_width
        11000 *
    \ Computes the pulse width that matches the desired joint angle using
    \ the constraints of known angle to pulse values.  Servo center is zero,
    \ counter clockwise a quarter circle is Pi/2, while clockwise is -Pi/2.
    \  angle - brad value
    \  index - servo index
    \ ( angle index -- )
    : servo_position
        servo_pin() @        \ pin for servo
        servo_center() @     \ pulse width of center
        rot brads_to_width   \ convert brad angle to pulse width
    \ Used to initialize arm parameters.
    \ humerus - shoulder-to-elbow "bone" in mm
    \ ulna - elbow-to-wrist "bone" in mm
    : scara_arm \ (humerus ulna -- )
        dup humerus !
        square humerus_sq !
        \ pre-calculations
        dup ulna !
        square ulna_sq !
    \ Sets the should angle member, computes the servo pulse width for that
    \ angle, and sets the associated servo.
    \ shoulder_angle - 32-bit floating point radian value
    \ ( shoulderAngleRads -- )
    : set_shoulder
        \ Rotate the coordinate system by a right angle so that a straight angle
        \ is a full extension of the joint.
        RIGHT_ANGLE -
        shoulder_angle !
        SHOULDER servo_position
    \ Sets elbow angle data member, computes the servo pulse width for that
    \ angle, and sets the associated servo.
    \ elbowAngle - floating point radian value
    \ ( elbowAngle -- )
    : set_elbow
        \ Rotate the coordinate system by a right angle so that a straight angle
        \ is a full extension of the joint.
        RIGHT_ANGLE - negate
        elbow_angle !
        ELBOW servo_position
    \ Park - Move the arm servos to the parked position.  Called during start and
    \ stop. By parking the arm the servos will start from a known position and
    \ minimize startup lurch.
    \ ( -- )
    : park
        RIGHT_ANGLE set_shoulder
        RIGHT_ANGLE set_elbow
    \ SetPosition : Arm positioning routine utilizing inverse kinematics.  Since
    \ the arm is resting on a surface Z can only be positive.  Servo movement
    \ constraints prevent y from being negative, But X can be a signed value.
    \ Note: This must be called before any of the move routines to initialize
    \ arm state!
    \  x - the side to side displacement.
    \  y - the distance out from the base center.
    \ ( x y -- )
    : set_position
        \ Save the Cartesian space coordinates.
        y ! x !
        \ Use Pythagorean theorem to calculate shoulder to wrist distance.
        x @ square
        y @ square
        dup s_w !
        isqrt s_w_sqrt !
        \ s_w angle to centerline
        x @ y @ atan2 \ a1 is on the stack.
        \ s_w angle to humerus, note the need to prevent overflow!
        \ compute (_humerus_sq - ulna_sq + s_w) / (2 * humerus * s_w_sqrt)
        humerus_sq @ ulna_sq @ - s_w @ +
        2 humerus @ * s_w_sqrt @ *
        clamp acos \ a2 is on the stack
        \ shoulder angle = a1 + a2
        + set_shoulder
        \ elbow angle
        \ compute ( humerus_sq + ulna_sq - s_w ) / ( 2 * humerus * ulna )
        humerus_sq @ ulna_sq @ + s_w @ -
        2 humerus @ * ulna @ *
        clamp acos
        \ Set the elbow
    \ Arm positioning routine utilizing inverse kinematics.  Moves the arm from
    \ the current Y coordinate to the newY passed in.  It maintains all other
    \ position state.
    \ newY - the new forward/back displacement
    \ ( newY -- )
    : set_y
        x @ swap
    \ Arm positioning routine utilizing inverse kinematics.  Moves the arm from
    \ the current X coordinate to the newX passed in.  It maintains all other
    \ position state.
    \ newX - the new height above the table
    \ ( newX -- )
    : set_x
        y @
    \ Assign the pins to the joint
    0 SHOULDER servo_pin() !
    1 ELBOW servo_pin() !
    2 WRIST servo_pin() !
    \ Assign the centers of each joint.
    4300 SHOULDER servo_center() !
    6700 ELBOW servo_center() !
    5000 WRIST servo_center() !
    \ Arm dimensions( mm )
    132 \ shoulder-to-elbow "bone" 3.7"
    142 \ elbow-to-wrist "bone" 3.1"
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2013-11-29 11:23
    Below is the fully debugged FORTH IK code. The fixes are mostly fixed point trig edge cases and forming fixed point ratios by bit shifting. I can now issue commands like "100 100 set_position" and the arm will move its tip to that location. I now need to start work on some sort of end effector.
    \ Note: The goal is to write code that is as portable as possible.
    \ So I'll define gforth compatibility words to avoid using PropForth-isms
    : cells 4 * ;
    : -rot rot rot ;
    : ! L! ;
    : @ L@ ;
    \ arithmetic shift right n i bits
    \ ( n i -- n )
    : asr/
        dup 0>
            \ while i > 0 shift right.
            0 do
    hex \ Change radix in a portable manner.
    \ begin of fixed point trig functions.
    \ Values for common angles in brad13
    0016 constant DEGREE_ANGLE
    0400 constant EIGHTH_ANGLE
    0800 constant RIGHT_ANGLE
    1000 constant STRAIGHT_ANGLE
    \ sin function using brads ( brad13 -- sin32 )
    \ The sine table contains one quadrant, so we'll need to
    \ work around that when generating the index into the table.
    \ note use um* with the return value!
    : sin
        dup \ save a copy of input for later.
        dup RIGHT_ANGLE and
            \ ranges from 800 to 001
            negate FFF and
            \ ranges from 000 to 7FF
            7FF and
        \ convert to word count and index into sin table
        2* E000 + W@
        \ bit shift to 32 bits for future um*
        F lshift
        \ use the sign from the preserved value.
        STRAIGHT_ANGLE and
    \ cos defined in terms of sin by coordinate rotation.
    : cos
        RIGHT_ANGLE +
    \ tangent can be derived from sine / cos. Both sine and cos are
    \ fast table lookups, so this is only a division more expensive
    \ than sine.
    \ ( brad13 -- tan )
    : tan
        swap cos
        \ Note that we shift the cos down because we only want the 
        \ numerator shifted left!
        15 asr/
    RIGHT_ANGLE sin constant MAX_SIN
    RIGHT_ANGLE negate sin constant MIN_SIN
    \ clamps n between max and min to prevent inverse trig function overflow
    \ ( n -- clamped_value )
    : clamp
        MIN_SIN max MAX_SIN min
    \ compute asin via a binary search.
    \ Note: we're shifting angles up two bits to allow for greater
    \ precision during the search. It will be shifted back before return.
    \ ( sin - brad13 )
    : asin
        \ push the first approximation and correction
        0 EIGHTH_ANGLE 4*
        \ refine approximation and correction iteratively
        13 0 do
            \ move the correction to the bottom of stack.
            \ compare the sine of the approximation to the value.
            2dup 2/ 2/ sin >
                \ The approximation is too small, add the correction.
                rot dup -rot +
                \ The approximation is too large, so decrease it.
                rot dup -rot -
            \ half the correction factor for next iterration.
            swap 2/
        \ return only the approximation.
        drop swap drop 2/ 2/
    \ acos is defined in terms of asin
    \ ( cos -- brad13 )
    : acos
        asin RIGHT_ANGLE - negate
    \ 13-bit fixed point four-quadrant arctangent. Given Cartesian vector (x, y),
    \ finds the angle subtended by the vector and the positive x-axis.
    \ y a signed integer
    \ x a signed integer
    \ ( y x -- brad13 )
    : atan2
        \ Handle crossing x axis case
        dup 0= if
            \ adjust sign based upon y's sign.
            0< if
        \ save x to use its sign to adjust results
        dup -rot
        swap 15 lshift swap /
        \ push the first approximation and correction
        0 EIGHTH_ANGLE 4*
        \ refine approximation and correction iteratively
        13 0 do
            \ move the correction to the bottom of stack.
            \ compare the sine of the approximation to the value.
            2dup 2/ 2/ tan >
                \ The approximation is too small, add the correction.
                rot dup -rot +
                \ The approximation is too large, so decrease it.
                rot dup -rot -
            \ half the correction factor for next iterration.
            swap 2/
        \ return only the approximation.
        drop swap drop 2/ 2/
        \ if x's sign was negative, then move results into 3 & 4 quadrants.
        swap 0< if
            STRAIGHT_ANGLE +
    \ end of fixed point trig functions.
    \ begin of utility functions.
    \ Heater's Integer sqrt function
    : isqrtloop
            dup 0=  if exit then
            swap over or
            swap -rot 2dup swap <=
                swap over -
                swap rot swap over +
                rot swap over -
            1 rshift
            swap 2 rshift
        0 until
    \ Integer square root ( i -- s )
    : isqrt
        0 1 30 lshift isqrtloop drop swap drop
    \ squares the input ( i -- i*i )
    : square
        dup *
    \ forms a bit shifted ratio for fixed point trig
    \ note the shift 15 and 2/, that's to avoid shifting
    \ into the sign bit.
    \ ( numerator denominator -- ratio )
    : fixedPointRatio
        swap 15 lshift swap 2/ /
        15 lshift
    \ end utility functions
    \ begin inverse kinematics code
    0 constant SHOULDER
    1 constant ELBOW
    2 constant WRIST
    3 constant COUNT
    \ Size of robot bones in consistent units (mm recommended).
    variable humerus
    variable ulna
    variable humerus_sq
    variable ulna_sq
    \ Coordinate of pen tip in Cartesian space.
    variable x
    variable y
    \ Coordinates in arm scara polar space.
    variable shoulder_angle
    variable elbow_angle
    \ working variables during IK calculations
    variable s_w
    variable s_w_sqrt
    \ arrays to hold servo properties
    variable servo_center COUNT cells allot
    : servo_center() cells servo_center + ;
    variable servo_pin COUNT cells allot
    : servo_pin() cells servo_pin + ;
    \ Converts brads to a pulse with by using the ratio
    \ brads * steps / brads
    \ ( brads -- pulse width )
    : brads_to_width
        11000 *
    \ Computes the pulse width that matches the desired joint angle using
    \ the constraints of known angle to pulse values.  Servo center is zero,
    \ counter clockwise a quarter circle is Pi/2, while clockwise is -Pi/2.
    \  angle - brad value
    \  index - servo index
    \ ( angle index -- )
    : servo_position
        servo_pin() @        \ pin for servo
        servo_center() @     \ pulse width of center
        rot brads_to_width   \ convert brad angle to pulse width
    \ Used to initialize arm parameters.
    \ humerus - shoulder-to-elbow "bone" in mm
    \ ulna - elbow-to-wrist "bone" in mm
    : scara_arm \ (humerus ulna -- )
        \ pre-calculations
        dup ulna !
        square ulna_sq !
        dup humerus !
        square humerus_sq !
    \ Sets the should angle member, computes the servo pulse width for that
    \ angle, and sets the associated servo.
    \ shoulder_angle - 32-bit floating point radian value
    \ ( shoulderAngleRads -- )
    : set_shoulder
        \ Rotate the coordinate system by a right angle so that a straight angle
        \ is a full extension of the joint.
        RIGHT_ANGLE -
        shoulder_angle !
        SHOULDER servo_position
    \ Sets elbow angle data member, computes the servo pulse width for that
    \ angle, and sets the associated servo.
    \ elbowAngle - floating point radian value
    \ ( elbowAngle -- )
    : set_elbow
        \ Rotate the coordinate system by a right angle so that a straight angle
        \ is a full extension of the joint.
        RIGHT_ANGLE +
        elbow_angle !
        ELBOW servo_position
    \ Park - Move the arm servos to the parked position.  Called during start and
    \ stop. By parking the arm the servos will start from a known position and
    \ minimize startup lurch.
    \ ( -- )
    : park
        RIGHT_ANGLE set_shoulder
        RIGHT_ANGLE set_elbow
    \ calculates shoulder to waist distance using pythagoras' theorum.
    \ ( x y -- )
    : pythagoras
        \ Save the Cartesian space coordinates.
        y ! x !
        x @ square
        y @ square
        dup s_w !
        isqrt s_w_sqrt !
    \ calculates shoulder angle using IK via fixed point trig.
    \ ( -- brad13 )
    : ikshoulder
        \ s_w angle to centerline
        y @ x @ atan2 \ a1 is on the stack.
        \ s_w angle to humerus
        \ compute acos of (_humerus_sq - ulna_sq + s_w) / (2 * humerus * s_w_sqrt)
        humerus_sq @ ulna_sq @ - s_w @ +
        2 humerus @ * s_w_sqrt @ *
        \ form a fixed point ratio of the numerator and denomenator
        \ use arccos to get a2 on the stack
        \ shoulder angle = a1 + a2
    \ calculates elbow angle using IK via fixed point trig.
    \ ( -- brad13 )
    : ikelbow
        \ elbow angle
        \ compute acos of ( humerus_sq + ulna_sq - s_w ) / ( 2 * humerus * ulna )
        humerus_sq @ ulna_sq @ + s_w @ -
        2 humerus @ * ulna @ *
        \ form a fixed point ratio of the numerator and denomenator
        \ use arccos to get a2 on the stack
    \ SetPosition : Arm positioning routine utilizing inverse kinematics.  Since
    \ the arm is resting on a surface Z can only be positive.  Servo movement
    \ constraints prevent y from being negative, But X can be a signed value.
    \ Note: This must be called before any of the move routines to initialize
    \ arm state!
    \  x - the side to side displacement.
    \  y - the distance out from the base center.
    \ ( x y -- )
    : set_position
        \ Save the Cartesian space coordinates and calculate s_w and s_w_sqrt
        \ compute the shoulder angle
        ikshoulder set_shoulder
        \ Set the elbow
        ikelbow set_elbow
    \ Arm positioning routine utilizing inverse kinematics.  Moves the arm from
    \ the current Y coordinate to the newY passed in.  It maintains all other
    \ position state.
    \ newY - the new forward/back displacement
    \ ( newY -- )
    : set_y
        x @ swap
    \ Arm positioning routine utilizing inverse kinematics.  Moves the arm from
    \ the current X coordinate to the newX passed in.  It maintains all other
    \ position state.
    \ newX - the new height above the table
    \ ( newX -- )
    : set_x
        y @
    \ Assign the pins to the joint
    0 SHOULDER servo_pin() !
    1 ELBOW servo_pin() !
    2 WRIST servo_pin() !
    \ Assign the centers of each joint.
    4300 SHOULDER servo_center() !
    6700 ELBOW servo_center() !
    5000 WRIST servo_center() !
    \ Arm dimensions( mm )
    132 \ shoulder-to-elbow "bone"
    142 \ elbow-to-wrist "bone"
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2013-12-01 08:26
    I renamed set_position to set_xy and added and debugged set_wrist move_x, move_y, move_xy. That's the complete set of kinematic functions I desired, so now I need to work on the end effector. I'm still not quite sure what I'm going to build for that.
    \ Note: The goal is to write code that is as portable as possible.
    \ So I'll define gforth compatibility words to avoid using PropForth-isms
    : cells 4 * ;
    : -rot rot rot ;
    : ! L! ;
    : @ L@ ;
    \ arithmetic shift right n i bits
    \ ( n i -- n )
    : asr/
        dup 0>
            \ while i > 0 shift right.
            0 do
    hex \ Change radix in a portable manner.
    \ begin of fixed point trig functions.
    \ Values for common angles in brad13
    0016 constant DEGREE_ANGLE
    0400 constant EIGHTH_ANGLE
    0800 constant RIGHT_ANGLE
    1000 constant STRAIGHT_ANGLE
    \ sin function using brads ( brad13 -- sin32 )
    \ The sine table contains one quadrant, so we'll need to
    \ work around that when generating the index into the table.
    \ note use um* with the return value!
    : sin
        dup \ save a copy of input for later.
        dup RIGHT_ANGLE and
            \ ranges from 800 to 001
            negate FFF and
            \ ranges from 000 to 7FF
            7FF and
        \ convert to word count and index into sin table
        2* E000 + W@
        \ bit shift to 32 bits for future um*
        F lshift
        \ use the sign from the preserved value.
        STRAIGHT_ANGLE and
    \ cos defined in terms of sin by coordinate rotation.
    : cos
        RIGHT_ANGLE +
    \ tangent can be derived from sine / cos. Both sine and cos are
    \ fast table lookups, so this is only a division more expensive
    \ than sine.
    \ ( brad13 -- tan )
    : tan
        swap cos
        \ Note that we shift the cos down because we only want the 
        \ numerator shifted left!
        15 asr/
    RIGHT_ANGLE sin constant MAX_SIN
    RIGHT_ANGLE negate sin constant MIN_SIN
    \ clamps n between max and min to prevent inverse trig function overflow
    \ ( n -- clamped_value )
    : clamp
        MIN_SIN max MAX_SIN min
    \ compute asin via a binary search.
    \ Note: we're shifting angles up two bits to allow for greater
    \ precision during the search. It will be shifted back before return.
    \ ( sin - brad13 )
    : asin
        \ push the first approximation and correction
        0 EIGHTH_ANGLE 4*
        \ refine approximation and correction iteratively
        13 0 do
            \ move the correction to the bottom of stack.
            \ compare the sine of the approximation to the value.
            2dup 2/ 2/ sin >
                \ The approximation is too small, add the correction.
                rot dup -rot +
                \ The approximation is too large, so decrease it.
                rot dup -rot -
            \ half the correction factor for next iterration.
            swap 2/
        \ return only the approximation.
        drop swap drop 2/ 2/
    \ acos is defined in terms of asin
    \ ( cos -- brad13 )
    : acos
        asin RIGHT_ANGLE - negate
    \ 13-bit fixed point four-quadrant arctangent. Given Cartesian vector (x, y),
    \ finds the angle subtended by the vector and the positive x-axis.
    \ y a signed integer
    \ x a signed integer
    \ ( y x -- brad13 )
    : atan2
        \ Handle crossing x axis case
        dup 0= if
            \ adjust sign based upon y's sign.
            0< if
        \ save x to use its sign to adjust results
        dup -rot
        swap 15 lshift swap /
        \ push the first approximation and correction
        0 EIGHTH_ANGLE 4*
        \ refine approximation and correction iteratively
        13 0 do
            \ move the correction to the bottom of stack.
            \ compare the sine of the approximation to the value.
            2dup 2/ 2/ tan >
                \ The approximation is too small, add the correction.
                rot dup -rot +
                \ The approximation is too large, so decrease it.
                rot dup -rot -
            \ half the correction factor for next iterration.
            swap 2/
        \ return only the approximation.
        drop swap drop 2/ 2/
        \ if x's sign was negative, then move results into 3 & 4 quadrants.
        swap 0< if
            STRAIGHT_ANGLE +
    \ end of fixed point trig functions.
    \ begin of utility functions.
    \ Heater's Integer sqrt function
    : isqrtloop
            dup 0=  if exit then
            swap over or
            swap -rot 2dup swap <=
                swap over -
                swap rot swap over +
                rot swap over -
            1 rshift
            swap 2 rshift
        0 until
    \ Integer square root ( i -- s )
    : isqrt
        0 1 30 lshift isqrtloop drop swap drop
    \ squares the input ( i -- i*i )
    : square
        dup *
    \ forms a bit shifted ratio for fixed point trig
    \ note the shift 15 and 2/, that's to avoid shifting
    \ into the sign bit.
    \ ( numerator denominator -- ratio )
    : fixedPointRatio
        swap 15 lshift swap 2/ /
        15 lshift
    \ end utility functions
    \ begin inverse kinematics code
    0 constant SHOULDER
    1 constant ELBOW
    2 constant WRIST
    3 constant COUNT
    \ Size of robot bones in consistent units (mm recommended).
    variable humerus
    variable ulna
    variable humerus_sq
    variable ulna_sq
    \ Coordinate of pen tip in Cartesian space.
    variable x
    variable y
    \ Coordinates in arm scara polar space.
    variable shoulder_angle
    variable elbow_angle
    variable wrist_angle
    \ working variables during IK calculations
    variable s_w
    variable s_w_sqrt
    \ arrays to hold servo properties
    variable servo_center COUNT cells allot
    : servo_center() cells servo_center + ;
    variable servo_pin COUNT cells allot
    : servo_pin() cells servo_pin + ;
    \ Converts brads to a pulse with by using the ratio
    \ brads * steps / brads
    \ ( brads -- pulse width )
    : brads_to_width
        11000 *
    \ Computes the pulse width that matches the desired joint angle using
    \ the constraints of known angle to pulse values.  Servo center is zero,
    \ counter clockwise a quarter circle is Pi/2, while clockwise is -Pi/2.
    \  angle - brad value
    \  index - servo index
    \ ( angle index -- )
    : servo_position
        servo_pin() @        \ pin for servo
        servo_center() @     \ pulse width of center
        rot brads_to_width   \ convert brad angle to pulse width
    \ Used to initialize arm parameters.
    \ humerus - shoulder-to-elbow "bone" in mm
    \ ulna - elbow-to-wrist "bone" in mm
    : scara_arm \ (humerus ulna -- )
        \ pre-calculations
        dup ulna !
        square ulna_sq !
        dup humerus !
        square humerus_sq !
    \ Sets the should angle member, computes the servo pulse width for that
    \ angle, and sets the associated servo.
    \ shoulder_angle - 32-bit fixed point radian value
    \ ( shoulderAngleRads -- )
    : set_shoulder
        \ Rotate the coordinate system by a right angle so that a straight angle
        \ is a full extension of the joint.
        RIGHT_ANGLE -
        shoulder_angle !
        SHOULDER servo_position
    \ Sets elbow angle data member, computes the servo pulse width for that
    \ angle, and sets the associated servo.
    \ elbowAngle - fixed point radian value
    \ ( elbowAngle -- )
    : set_elbow
        \ Rotate the coordinate system by a right angle so that a straight angle
        \ is a full extension of the joint.
        RIGHT_ANGLE +
        elbow_angle !
        ELBOW servo_position
    \ Sets wrist angle data member, computes the servo pulse width for that
    \ angle, and sets the associated servo.
    \ wristAngle - fixed point radian value
    \ ( wristAngle -- )
    : set_wrist
        wrist_angle !
        WRIST servo_position
    \ calculates shoulder to wrist distance using pythagoras' theorum.
    \ ( x y -- )
    : pythagoras
        \ Save the Cartesian space coordinates.
        y ! x !
        x @ square
        y @ square
        dup s_w !
        isqrt s_w_sqrt !
    \ calculates shoulder angle using IK via fixed point trig.
    \ ( -- brad13 )
    : ikshoulder
        \ s_w angle to centerline
        y @ x @ atan2 \ a1 is on the stack.
        \ s_w angle to humerus
        \ compute acos of (_humerus_sq - ulna_sq + s_w) / (2 * humerus * s_w_sqrt)
        humerus_sq @ ulna_sq @ - s_w @ +
        2 humerus @ * s_w_sqrt @ *
        \ form a fixed point ratio of the numerator and denomenator
        \ use arccos to get a2 on the stack
        \ shoulder angle = a1 + a2
    \ calculates elbow angle using IK via fixed point trig.
    \ ( -- brad13 )
    : ikelbow
        \ elbow angle
        \ compute acos of ( humerus_sq + ulna_sq - s_w ) / ( 2 * humerus * ulna )
        humerus_sq @ ulna_sq @ + s_w @ -
        2 humerus @ * ulna @ *
        \ form a fixed point ratio of the numerator and denomenator
        \ use arccos to get a2 on the stack
    \ Arm positioning routine utilizing inverse kinematics.  Since the
    \ arm is resting on a surface Z can only be positive.  Servo movement
    \ constraints prevent y from being negative, But X can be a signed value.
    \ Note: This must be called before any of the move routines to initialize
    \ arm state!
    \  x - the side to side displacement.
    \  y - the distance out from the base center.
    \ ( x y -- )
    : set_xy
        \ Save the Cartesian space coordinates and calculate s_w and s_w_sqrt
        \ compute the shoulder angle
        ikshoulder set_shoulder
        \ Set the elbow
        ikelbow set_elbow
    \ Arm positioning routine utilizing inverse kinematics.  Moves the arm from
    \ the current Y coordinate to the newY passed in.  It maintains all other
    \ position state.
    \ newY - the new forward/back displacement
    \ ( newY -- )
    : set_y
        x @ swap
    \ Arm positioning routine utilizing inverse kinematics.  Moves the arm from
    \ the current X coordinate to the newX passed in.  It maintains all other
    \ position state.
    \ newX - the new height above the table
    \ ( newX -- )
    : set_x
        y @
    \ returns the amount to adjust the index by
    \ ( finish start -- increment finish start )
    : push_inc
        > if 
    \ uses the increment value to adjust value at TOS.
    \ ( increment finish current -- increment finish current+increment ) 
    : do_inc
        rot dup >r -rot r> +
    \ a little pause to allow servos to settle
    : wait
        10 delms
    \ smoothly moves X axis of arm from current position to new X passed in.
    \ ( newX -- )
    : move_x
        \ get the current arm X
        x @
        \ Get the step value on bottom of stack
            \ while new x and x are not equal
            2dup = if
                3drop exit
            \ increment x
            \ move the arm
            dup set_x
            15 delms
        0 until
    \ smoothly moves Y axis of arm from current position to new Y passed in.
    \ ( newY -- )
    : move_y
        \ get the current arm y
        y @
        \ Get the step value on bottom of stack
            \ while new y and y are not equal
            2dup = if
                3drop exit
            \ increment y
            \ move the arm
            dup set_y
            15 delms
        0 until
    \ computes a fixed point slope
    \ ( newX newY -- newX newY slope )
    : get_slope
        2dup       \ ( newX newY newX newY )
        y @ -      \ ( newX newY newX deltaY )
        swap x @ - \ ( newX newY deltaY deltaX )
        \ we only care about y's sign as x is handled by caller
        \ compute the slope ratio
        swap 15 lshift swap /
    \ A fixed point y and slope to retain the fractional portions
    variable yfixed
    variable slope
    \ smoothly moves X and Y axis of arm from current position to newX and newY
    \ passed in. Useful for compound motion in the XY plane.
    \ ( newX newY -- )
    : move_xy
        over x @
        = if
            move_y drop
            dup y @
            = if
                drop move_x
                get_slope slope !
                \ newY has outlived its usefulness
                \ massage the stack to contain newX x
                x @
                \ Get the step value on bottom of stack
                \ get current y and shift for fixed point arithmetic
                y @ 15 lshift yfixed !
                \ move the arm from x to new x and y in steps of slope
                    \ while new x and x are not equal
                    2dup = if
                        3drop exit
                    \ increment x and copy for set_xy
                    do_inc dup
                    \ add slope to y y shift, add, and store
                    slope @ yfixed @ + dup yfixed !
                    \ place shift y and position arm
                    15 asr/ set_xy
                    15 delms
                0 until
    \ Park - Move the arm servos to the parked position.  Called during start and
    \ stop. By parking the arm the servos will start from a known position and
    \ minimize startup lurch.
    \ ( -- )
    : park
        50 50 set_xy
        0 set_wrist
    \ Assign the pins to the joint
    0 SHOULDER servo_pin() !
    1 ELBOW servo_pin() !
    2 WRIST servo_pin() !
    \ Assign the centers of each joint.
    4300 SHOULDER servo_center() !
    6700 ELBOW servo_center() !
    4550 WRIST servo_center() !
    \ Arm dimensions( mm )
    132 \ shoulder-to-elbow "bone"
    142 \ elbow-to-wrist "bone"
    : demo
    150 move_x
    150 move_y
    50 move_x
    50 move_y
    150 150 move_xy
    50 move_x
    150 50 move_xy
    50 50 move_xy
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2013-12-01 09:00
    Here's a video running the demo script above:
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2013-12-08 19:28
    I'm using a suction cup for the end effector. Here I have a servo set up to pull on a syringe which creates a vacuum in the cup. It should allow the arm to pick up smooth light objects.

    1024 x 768 - 67K
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2013-12-13 20:11
    Great job, Martin_H! Neat project, you always have fun with IK and make it look easy.

    SinB/TanB=??? (see my 'Nerd Humor' post in General)
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2013-12-24 06:50
    Thanks Erco.

    Here are some pictures of the completed end effector. The design turned out to be pretty simple after a number of more complicated failures. The rubber band seems to provide just enough give to prevent binding but still be effective.

    photo 4.jpg
    photo 1.jpg
    photo 2.jpg
    photo 3.jpg

    Next is connecting the vacuum system to the suction cup and integration testing.
    1024 x 768 - 76K
    1024 x 768 - 66K
    1024 x 768 - 66K
    1024 x 768 - 81K
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