SolidWorks for $20.00
Posts: 4,010
Just learned that US military veterans can purchase the student edition of SolidWorks for only $20, copy of DD214 required. The Student Edition is normally $150.
When done, save it all off as STEP and DXF / PDF and use whatever you want, or buy another year.
The higher end Parasolid tools used in auto, aero, etc... can run $5 / hour once all costs are summed up. In the US, most of those licenses do not expire. However, annual contracts keep versions current and or allow for machine changes, etc... Those can run $5 - $20 per day.
Parasolid, used in this package and others is darn near impossible to replace or make open. Millions of man hours over 20 year plus timelines were required to handle so many geometry cases. It is just an expensive problem.