Just Got my Eddie . Need Help
Blake Koch
Posts: 39
Just Got Eddie today and not sure witch Kinect camera is supported by RDS4. There are two on the market one for x box and one for Windows. My guess would be the one for Windows but that's could be a $200.00 mistake if I'm wrong.
Thanks Blake
Thanks Blake
If anyone whats to know there appears to be almost no difference between the Microsoft Kinect and the Xbox Kinect. As I read into it the Microsft version has a few more features like close range focus 1.3 feet and is intended for comertial application but cannot be used on Xbox. So I guess it really does not matter which unit this Eddie gets.
Also there is a new version of the XBox coming out with a refreshed Kinect - I haven't reviewed the specs much. Would be interesting to see if that Kinect will be available outside of the 'Xbox One' bundle for use with RDS?
For certain the XBOX version works with Eddie.