how to post code in forum. how to upload files?
Posts: 89
What bracketing formats code on this page?
How to put a file link up?
How to put a file link up?
Bracket your code with "code tags":
"left square bracket", the word "code", "right square bracket"
"left square bracket", "forward slash", the word "code", "right square bracket"
I've written it out so the forum won't interpret and disappear them; don't include the commas.
Uploading files is done through "manage attachments" located at the bottom of your post when using the advanced editor (the "go advanced" button).
Did that help?
Thanks Electric! :thumb:
it didn't work
Use three backticks on the line before your code, and three backticks after.
Just paste it into the post.
If you want to attach files, use the penultimate icon on the toolbar above the post (size is restricted).
Forum software has been replaced with different product since those days. Back-ticks is how the new software requires it now.