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increment or decrement led oscillation speed — Parallax Forums

increment or decrement led oscillation speed

ElectronsRfunElectronsRfun Posts: 5
edited 2013-11-12 11:41 in Learn with BlocklyProp
Hello All,

I am new to micro-processors and had a question about the propeller in Spin. I am working through the PE Kit and wanted to try a combination of lessons into one project. I have 2 leds oscillating and am trying to set the oscillation between 1 second and 10 seconds. The code I wrote kinda works but when the push buttons are pressed the oscillation speed changes more than by 1 second and the code seems to have to wait for the current code to finish before the increment or decrement takes place. What I would like to have happen is the oscillation speed change by one second incremently or decremently by on second each button press. Also I would like for the pressed button to change the oscillation speed immediately. What I think I need to do is use cogstop then cogstart or cognew to initiate a new cog every time one of the push buttons are pressed and pass the parameters between the methods I write. Am I on the correct path?

Here is the code so far:

pin1 = 0
pin2 = 1
pb1   = 21
pb2  = 20


long    stack[20]
long    speed
PUB Main

cognew(Blink, @stack[0])
cognew(Button, @stack[10])

PUB Blink 


speed := 1


   waitcnt(clkfreq * speed + cnt)
   waitcnt(clkfreq * speed + cnt)

PUB Button

      if ina[pb1] == 0
        waitcnt(clkfreq/6 + cnt)
        speed ++
        speed <#= 10
      elseif ina[pb2] == 0
        waitcnt(clkfreq/6 + cnt)
        speed --
        speed #>= 1


  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2013-11-09 12:18
    Hello All,

    I am new to micro-processors and had a question about the propeller in Spin. I am working through the PE Kit and wanted to try a combination of lessons into one project. I have 2 leds oscillating and am trying to set the oscillation between 1 second and 10 seconds. The code I wrote kinda works but when the push buttons are pressed the oscillation speed changes more than by 1 second and the code seems to have to wait for the current code to finish before the increment or decrement takes place. What I would like to have happen is the oscillation speed change by one second incremently or decremently by on second each button press. Also I would like for the pressed button to change the oscillation speed immediately. What I think I need to do is use cogstop then cogstart or cognew to initiate a new cog every time one of the push buttons are pressed and pass the parameters between the methods I write. Am I on the correct path?

    Hard to tell from what you posted but it looks like you are not de-bouncing the push buttons in your code. That will cause the speed to be incremented more than once. Can you post all your code between {code} and {/code} lines but use the square [ ] brackets instead of the curly { } brackets?
  • ElectronsRfunElectronsRfun Posts: 5
    edited 2013-11-11 23:50
    HI kwinn,

    Thanks for your reply. I am not sure how to correctly copy and paste the code I wrote into the Blog Post. I am also not sure what you meant by; "Can you post all your code between {code} and {/code} lines but use square [ ] brackets instead of the curly { } brackets."

    What is {/code} is that short for "not code"?

    Could you write a short example please?

    I read in the PE manual the push buttons included with the PE kit don't have to be de-bounced. I am not sure if the author meant the simple programs written don't need to be de-bounced or it the push buttons themselves don't bounce.

    I am not sure how to de-bounce a micro-controller circuit, (I usually use a 555 in mono-stable mode). I messed around with controlling switch bounce a little but I am not sure my approach was correct. Not sure weather to use REPEAT WHILE or REPEAT UNTIL in combination or some WAITCNT commands like WAITPEQ. Below is some of the code I wrote to use on my propeller demo board that worked with a case statement: The code is suppose to turn on the leds one at a time in secession without switch bounce. I tried to fix all the indentation on the code in the repeat portion to make it easier to read, I hope that helps until I learn the correct way to post code.

    I was able to solve my original problem by taking a different approach. I would post my solution but it involves objects and I don't know how to post all the objects that were used to make the whole thing work. The solution I used only uses one pin (ina[pin]) instead of two (like in the increment and decrement code.) I would still like to solve the increment and decrement code though. I don't gain anything by not learning.

    led1 =  16
    led2 =  17
    led3 =  18
    led4  =  19
    led5  =  20
    led6  =  21
    led7  =  22
    led8  =  23   
    pb1  =  0
    pb2  =  1
    PUB main
    dira [16..23]~~                                                                  
      IF ina [pb1]  == 1
        LED := LED + 1                                                        
        IF LED == 9                                                                
          LED := 0
        waitcnt(clkfreq/3 +cnt)                                      
        waitpeq(00, |< 0, 1)                   {{think what this says is pin 0 in binary goes to pwr then wait }}
        waitpeq(00, |< 0, 0)                                   
        waitcnt(clkfreq/6 +cnt)                                    
      CASE LED
        0 :
          outa [led1..led8] := 0
        1 :
          outa [led1] := 1
          outa [led2..led8]~                                                 
        2 :
          outa [led1] := 1
          outa [led2] := 1
          outa [led3..led8]~
        3 :
          outa [led1..led3]~~
          outa [led4..led8]~
        4 :
          outa [led1..led4]~~
          outa [led5..led8]~
       5 :
          outa [led1..led5]~~
          outa [led6..led8]~
       6 :
          outa [led1..led6]~~
          outa [led7..led8]~
       7 :
          outa [led1..led7]~~
          outa [led8]~
       8 :
          outa [led1..led8]~~ 
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2013-11-12 01:39
    Follow the link for an example of using code tags.

  • ElectronsRfunElectronsRfun Posts: 5
    edited 2013-11-12 11:41
    Thanks Duane I fixed it. I appreciate your help!
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