Palm-Size Drones Buzz Over Battlefield

Weighing only 0.56 ounces (16 grams), the Black Hornet looks like a tiny toy helicopter. But it's really a nano-size piece of military hardware unlike anything on the battlefield today experimental robot flies and hummingbirds not withstanding.
The PD-100 Black Hornet Personal Reconnaissance System, unveiled to the American public for the first time last week at the Association of the United States Army Expo in Washington, D.C., is a drone (actually, a pair of them) that a soldier can carry and operate as easily as he or she would a radio.

And it can even fly in windy conditions.
It's made in Norway after all... ;-)
It comes in its own carrying case(actually, there's two in the case), it can fly and provide live video for 25 minutes.
The case is actually so small that you can put it in a pocket. The only thing that's too big is the screen.
(Actually, it may fit in a large pocket... )
Incidentally, that drone has been mentioned here a few times before:
And check out their 'R&D' stuff...
If it can be built small, they've probably already built it smaller.
Yes, if that is what they are showing us, you can be sure much smaller ones exist.
( and likely smarter again, over in Israel)
How high does that need to fly to be invisible ?
Not very high...
It's more a question of how far off the observer is, and what kind of features exist nearby.
Place it in a hover in front of a tree, and it'll be all but impossible to spot.
And even if you manage to spot it, what are you going to do? Shoot it?