Parallax Featured in Sierra Sun Newspaper: Engineering Technology
Ken Gracey
Posts: 7,400
Parallax was featured in today's Sierra Sun newspaper. The North Tahoe High School has converted their woodshop to an Engineering Technology shop with 3D printers, laser cutter, CNC router (still trying to raise funds), robotics and - most importantly - a freedom-driven environment where kids experiment to learn. I work at this school and soon for another local charter school. There's a statement about the students last year who build the cataraft to navigate Lake Tahoe. I've copied in the YouTube video of their final project in the bottom. This year, those same students will revise the cataraft and make it cross the 27-mile lake on its own.
The "world's largest educational robotics company" is also supporting the effort. And no, these are the kids that need iPad support. They have PCs. And apologies for the sloppy scans.
Ken Gracey
The "world's largest educational robotics company" is also supporting the effort. And no, these are the kids that need iPad support. They have PCs. And apologies for the sloppy scans.
Ken Gracey
An AWESOME statement and revelation. Bravo Ken and Parallax!