First: I have made a little progress on the block sensor code. In short, I had failed to recognize that my duty signal was sweeping, just very, very slowly. I was having the duty cycle set ~4294967.296 times, which I settled on while experimenting with an LED. It didn't occur to me that when I added my ~6ms detection routine to each possible duty cycle, it would take forever. I have since reduced it to 512 different duty cycles, at ~6ms per duty cycle. Currently, everything appears to be working, unfortunately, the data I'm getting is too variable to be useful. I'll share the code after I've had some more time to think things through.
Second: I tweaked my claw design so that it could be printed on a Uprint, which is what the rest of the 3D printed parts were printed with. My first claw was printed on a Objet printer. The Objet printer can print with a variety of materials (their higher end printers can use multiple build materials on the same model), but the material I could get a sample of was too soft/sticky. The only reason I didn't use the Uprint to begin with is that it takes more work to accommodate for printer tolerances than the Objet which prints down to 12micron layers. The closest clearance I've gotten away with out of the Uprint is 0.01", so basically, I had to come up with geometry that would do what I want that the printer could handle. It would have been easier to print to first claw with a different material on the Objet; but I decided it was worth it to have all the parts come out of the same printer. Plus the Uprint ABS material is great for small assemblies.
I decided it made more sense to waste a little bit of plastic checking that the gears would come out clean, rather than risk printing the whole thing only to find the teeth aren't going to work.
Final Print
Also, the Left remote is the one I've been using; but I discovered the other day, the little remotes HP stuffs in their laptops use the same protocol.
Well, I think it's time to consider simplifying my block sensor solution. Rather than worry about trying to do a comparison between the two LEDs to determine "how left" or "how right" the block is, I think I'll just try a Left==Left, Both==Center, and Right==Right approach.
I think my code is doing exactly what I think/want it should/to, but the distance readings on both LEDs is really unreliable. Sometimes it detects objects that aren't there, and vice versa. It could be there is a/an flaw/error in my code, or that a small modification to the circuit might smooth things out; but for now, I should probably keep it simple.
{>>Object DEMO:
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x ' System clock → 80 MHz
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
pst : "Parallax Serial Terminal"
BS : "02_BlockSensor_PASM"
PUB main
PUB test_align | Lalign
BS.Start_BlockSensor(9, 7, 8, 6)
Lalign := BS.BS_align
PUB test_sample | Lsample
BS.Start_BlockSensor(9, 7, 8, 6)
Lsample := BS.BS_sample
pst.bin(Lsample, 2)
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x ' System clock → 80 MHz
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
PUB Start_BlockSensor(leftIR, rightIR, sensorPIN, _DUTYpin)
cmd := 0
left := leftIR
right := rightIR
sensor := sensorPIN
_DUTY := _DUTYpin
cog := cognew(@cogstart, @cmd) + 1
PUB Stop
if cog
PUB BS_sample | _sample
cmd := 1
repeat while cmd == 1
_sample := left
_sample := _sample << 1
_sample := _sample | right
PUB BS_align | Ltemp 'under construction
cmd := 3
repeat while cmd == 3
'dinc == 8388608
PUB BS_monitor 'check sensor status with BS_sensor_status *untested
cmd := 2
PUB BS_sensor_status | status
status := left
status := status << 1
status := status | right
PUB BS_cmd_status
org 0
cogstart mov mem_addr, PAR 'retrieve parameters
:pars add mem_addr, #4 'add 1 long to mem_addr (skips @cmd)
mov left_addr, mem_addr 'store address at mem_addr in left_addr
add mem_addr, #4 'add 1 long to mem_addr
mov right_addr, mem_addr 'store address at mem_addr in right_addr
add mem_addr, #4 'add 1 long to mem_addr
mov sensor_addr, mem_addr 'store address at mem_addr in sensor_addr
add mem_addr, #4 'add 1 long to mem_addr
mov _DUTY_addr, mem_addr 'store address at mem_addr in _DUTY_addr
rdlong S_PIN, sensor_addr 'read value @sensor_addr into S_PIN
rdlong L_IR, left_addr 'read value @left_addr into L_IR
rdlong R_IR, right_addr 'read value @right_addr into R_IR
rdlong D_PIN, _DUTY_addr 'read value @_DUTY_addr into D_PIN
:confiD_cntr mov temp, #1 'config pins
shl temp, L_IR ' ...
or dira, temp
mov temp, #1
shl temp, R_IR
or dira, temp
mov S_PINmask, #1
shl S_PINmask, S_PIN
andn dira, S_PINmask 'verify sensor set to input (presumes Z==0)
or L_cntr, L_IR 'set cntr mode apins
or R_cntr, R_IR
or D_cntr, D_PIN
mov frqb, FReQB 'set frqb, to FReQB == 2040109 == (frequency*2^32)/clkfreq
jmp #cmdwait
cmdwait rdlong cmd, PAR wz 'wait for (cmd <> 0)
if_z jmp #cmdwait
:jump max cmd, #4
add cmd, #cmdtbl_0 'add line#@cmdtbl_0 to cmd
jmp cmd
cmdtbl_0 jmp #cmdwait 'PAR==0
cmdtbl_1 jmp #sample 'PAR==1
cmdtbl_2 jmp #monitor 'PAR==2
cmdtbl_3 jmp #align 'PAR==3
cmdtbl_4 jmp #cmd_done 'PAR==4
cmd_done wrlong zero, PAR 'signal command done
jmp #cmdwait
sample mov Ldetect, #1 'reset "detection registers"
mov Rdetect, #1
mov ctrb, L_cntr 'L_IR -> ON
mov time, cnt 'set up loop
:rollover_1 add time, _space wc
if_c jmp #:rollover_1
:check_left and S_PINmask, ina wz, nr 'start loop
if_z mov Ldetect, #0 'if detected, set to 0
cmp time, cnt wc
if_nc jmp #:check_left 'loop
mov ctrb, #0 'L_IR -> OFF
mov time, cnt 'rest
add time, _space
waitcnt time, #0
mov ctrb, R_cntr 'R_IR -> ON
mov time, cnt 'set up loop
:rollover_2 add time, _space wc
if_c jmp #:rollover_2
:check_right and S_PINmask, ina wz, nr 'start loop
if_z mov Rdetect, #0 'if detected, set to 0
cmp time, cnt wc
if_nc jmp #:check_right
mov ctrb, #0 'R_IR -> OFF
wrlong Ldetect, left_addr
wrlong Rdetect, right_addr
rdlong temp, PAR
cmp temp, one wz 'check sample or sampleCALL
if_z jmp #cmd_done 'if sample, cmd_done
sampleCALL_ret ret 'else, ret
monitor mov Ldetect, #1 'reset "detection registers"
mov Rdetect, #1
mov ctrb, L_cntr 'L_IR -> ON
mov time, cnt 'set up loop
:rollover_1 add time, _space wc
if_c jmp #:rollover_1
:check_left and S_PINmask, ina wz, nr 'start loop
if_z mov Ldetect, #0 'if detected, set to 0
cmp time, cnt wc
if_nc jmp #:check_left 'loop
mov ctrb, #0 'L_IR -> OFF
mov time, cnt 'rest
add time, _space
waitcnt time, #0
mov ctrb, R_cntr 'R_IR -> ON
mov time, cnt 'set up loop
:rollover_2 add time, _space wc
if_c jmp #:rollover_2
:check_right and S_PINmask, ina wz, nr 'start loop
if_z mov Rdetect, #2
cmp time, cnt wc
if_nc jmp #:check_right
mov ctrb, #0 'R_IR -> OFF
wrlong Ldetect, left_addr
wrlong Rdetect, right_addr
jmp #monitor
align mov ctra, D_cntr 'set ctra for duty signal
mov frqa, #0
mov phsa, #0
mov temp, #1
shl temp, D_PIN
or dira, temp
mov :minLduty, top 'max duty *could add dinc to duty for max range
mov :minRduty, top '
mov :duty, top '
:loop sub :duty, :dinc 'dinc duty signal
cmp :dinc, :duty wc 'is duty < dinc
if_nc jmp #:next 'if c:=0, next
mov frqa, :duty 'set duty cycle
call #sampleCALL 'sample sensor
rdlong temp, left_addr wz 'check left
if_z mov :minLduty, :duty 'if detected, store current :duty
rdlong temp, right_addr wz 'check right
if_z mov :minRduty, :duty 'if detected, store current :duty
jmp #:loop 'loop until next
:next wrlong :minLduty, left_addr 'report min duty for left
wrlong :minRduty, right_addr 'report min duty for right
jmp #cmd_done 'done
:duty long 0
:minLduty long 0
:minRduty long 0
:dinc long 8388608
'SPIN <-> PASM addr's
cmd long 0
left long 0
right long 0
sensor long 0
_DUTY long 0
'PASM -> SPIN cmd_status values
zero long 0
one long 1
'BS values
FReQB long 2040109 '2040109.4656 == (frequency*2^32)/clkfreq where frequency==38khz
top long 4294967295 ' 2³²== 4294967296
_space long 160000 '2ms
L_cntr long (100 << 26)
R_cntr long (100 << 26)
D_cntr long (110 << 26)
S_PINmask long 0
Ldetect long 0
Rdetect long 0
time long 0
temp long 0
cog byte 0
mem_addr res 1
left_addr res 1
right_addr res 1
sensor_addr res 1
_DUTY_addr res 1
L_IR res 1
R_IR res 1
S_PIN res 1
D_PIN res 1
Just thought I would update this thread real quick.
Slightly more intelligent code than before; but no huge changes there.
The new block sensor.
Unfortunately, I'm having some trouble getting the "distance" reading part or the code working. I say "distance" because I'm only concerned with knowing the block is close enough to pick up. So I don't care if the "distance value" is 3 or 50331648.
To test the "sensor" I basically copied the IR distance code from the PEkitlabs
''IrDetector.spin '???
'NOTE 1.12.14: max value == 94/256 , max detection value == 84/256 , min detection value == 3
' no block block at ~10in block at <=0.5in
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x ' System clock → 80 MHz
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
scale = 16_777_216 ' 2³²÷ 256
pst : "Parallax Serial Terminal"
long anode, cathode, recPin, dMax, duty
PUB TestIr | dist
' Starts Parallax Serial Terminal; waits 1 s for you to click Enable button.
'Configure IR detectors.
init(3, 4, 14)
pst.Str(string("Distance = "))
'Get and display distance.
pst.Str(string(pst#PX, 11))
dist := Distance
pst.Str(string("/256", pst#CE))
waitcnt(clkfreq/3 + cnt)
PUB init(irLedAnode, irLedCathode, irReceiverPin)
anode := irLedAnode
cathode := irLedCathode
recPin := irReceiverPin
PUB distance : dist
{{ Performs a duty sweep response test on the IR LED/receiver and returns dist, a zone
value from 0 (closest) to 256 (no object detected). }}
'Start 38 kHz signal.
frqb := 2040109
ctrb := constant(100 << 26) + anode
dira[anode] := 1
'Configure Duty signal.
ctra[30..26] := 110 ' Set ctra to DUTY mode
ctra[5..0] := cathode ' Set ctra's APIN
frqa := phsa := 0 ' Set frqa register
dira[cathode] := 1 ' Set P5 to output
dist := 0
repeat duty from 0 to 255 ' Sweep duty from 0 to 255
frqa := duty * scale ' Update frqa register
waitcnt(clkfreq/128000 + cnt) ' Delay for 1/128th s <- What's this for???
dist += ina[recPin] ' Object not detected? Add 1 to dist.
Naturally, I'm surprised by the results.
' ???
'max value == 94/256 , max detection value == 84/256 , min detection value == 3
'no block_____________block at ~10in_______________block at <=0.5in
I did find if I covered the IR emitter with a black Lego, the max value with no block jumped up to 256.
So I suppose I need to consider positioning the receiver further back from the edge of the bumper, or having the center LED stick out from the edge of the bumper. Otherwise, the coponents appear functional,
... after a while
I think the problem has to be in here somewhere:
search Theory of Operation:
search- Config cntr module for duty signal
jmp to :begin
:begin- call sampleCALL (L/R detection)
check if block centered
if centered, jmp to :distance
if not, repeat (distance := -1)
:distance- load max duty value and # of dincs
run into loop
:loop- sub 1*dinc from duty
load frqa with duty
128th second delay (because there is on in the PElab)
check sensor for 2ms
if detected, store current duty (min duty @which block detected)
sub 1 dinc, if dincs remain, repeat
search mov ctra, DUTY_cntr 'set ctra for duty signal
mov frqa, #0
mov phsa, #0
mov temp, #1
shl temp, D_PIN
or dira, temp
'detect block
:begin call #sampleCALL 'sample sensor
rdlong :on_left, left_addr 'check left
rdlong :on_right, right_addr 'check right
or :on_left, :on_right wz, nr 'check if left/right detected
if_z jmp #:distance 'if centered,
if_nz wrlong :top, center_addr 'else, phony distance
if_nz jmp #:begin 'repeat
'get distance reading
:distance mov :duty, :top 'load duty
mov :dincs, #255 'load dincs (leaves 1*dinc of duty remaining)
mov ctrb, C_cntr 'center IR -> ON
:loop sub :duty, :dinc 'dinc duty signal
mov frqa, :duty 'set duty cycle
mov :duty_time, :duty_delay ' 128th second delay
add :duty_time, cnt ' In PElab.
waitcnt :duty_time, #0 ' Why?
mov temp, #1 'set temp:=1
mov time, cnt 'set up wait loop
add time, _space wc 'add _space to time; set C
if_c jmp #:rollover 'if C, jmp to rollover
:check_sensor and S_PINmask, ina wz, nr 'check sensor
if_z mov temp, #0 'if detected, set := 0
cmp time, cnt wc 'check time
if_nc jmp #:check_sensor 'if cnt < time, keep checking sensor
if_c jmp #:next 'if cnt > time, next
:rollover and S_PINmask, ina wz, nr 'check sesnor (rollover)
if_z mov temp, #0 'if detected, set := 0
cmp time, cnt wc 'check time
if_c jmp #:rollover 'if cnt rolled over, jmp to check sensor
if_nc jmp #:check_sensor 'if not, jmp to rollover
:next cmp temp, #0 wz 'check if detected
if_z wrlong :duty, center_addr 'if detected, report distance
djnz :dincs, #:loop 'decrement dincs, and loop until dincs==0
jmp #:begin 'back to begining
:duty long 0
:top long 4294967295 ' 2³² == 4294967296
:dinc long 16777216 ' :dinc * 256 == 2³²
:dincs long 255
:on_left long 0
:on_right long 0
:duty_delay long 625
:duty_time long 0
Also , after reading this think I might replace the Panasonic PNA4601M IR receiver with a Vishay TSOP4038.
Many other applications require a reflective sensor that detects not only presence but also proximity by measuring the strength or weakness of the reflected signal. Instead of a fixed detection threshold, analog information from the sensor is needed. This is possible with the TSOP4038, TSOP58038, and TSOP58P38 IR proximity sensors. The length of the sensor’s output pulse in response to the emitter signal varies in proportion to the amount of light reflected from the object being detected. For near objects, the output pulse approaches 100 % of the emitted pulse, for far objects the output pulse becomes shorter.
Second: I tweaked my claw design so that it could be printed on a Uprint, which is what the rest of the 3D printed parts were printed with. My first claw was printed on a Objet printer. The Objet printer can print with a variety of materials (their higher end printers can use multiple build materials on the same model), but the material I could get a sample of was too soft/sticky. The only reason I didn't use the Uprint to begin with is that it takes more work to accommodate for printer tolerances than the Objet which prints down to 12micron layers. The closest clearance I've gotten away with out of the Uprint is 0.01", so basically, I had to come up with geometry that would do what I want that the printer could handle. It would have been easier to print to first claw with a different material on the Objet; but I decided it was worth it to have all the parts come out of the same printer. Plus the Uprint ABS material is great for small assemblies.
I decided it made more sense to waste a little bit of plastic checking that the gears would come out clean, rather than risk printing the whole thing only to find the teeth aren't going to work.
Final Print
Also, the Left remote is the one I've been using; but I discovered the other day, the little remotes HP stuffs in their laptops use the same protocol.
I think my code is doing exactly what I think/want it should/to, but the distance readings on both LEDs is really unreliable. Sometimes it detects objects that aren't there, and vice versa. It could be there is a/an flaw/error in my code, or that a small modification to the circuit might smooth things out; but for now, I should probably keep it simple.
01_ProtoBotServos.spin ; 04_IRReceiver_RC6A.spin ; 04_IRReceiver_RC6A_DEMO.spin ; 04_ProtoBot.spin ; 04_QTIdriver.spin ; 04_QTIdriver_DEMO.spin ; 02_BlockSensor_PASM.spin ; 02_BlockSensor_PASM_DEMO.spin
Slightly more intelligent code than before; but no huge changes there.
The new block sensor.
Unfortunately, I'm having some trouble getting the "distance" reading part or the code working. I say "distance" because I'm only concerned with knowing the block is close enough to pick up. So I don't care if the "distance value" is 3 or 50331648.
To test the "sensor" I basically copied the IR distance code from the PEkitlabs
Naturally, I'm surprised by the results.
' ???
'max value == 94/256 , max detection value == 84/256 , min detection value == 3
'no block_____________block at ~10in_______________block at <=0.5in
I did find if I covered the IR emitter with a black Lego, the max value with no block jumped up to 256.
So I suppose I need to consider positioning the receiver further back from the edge of the bumper, or having the center LED stick out from the edge of the bumper. Otherwise, the coponents appear functional,
The problem I'm having however, does not seem like a stray light problem. Basically I would expect the distance value URL=""]05_BlockSensor_PASM_DEMO.spin[/URL to be equal to 4294967295 - 16777216*X where X == 1 through 255, but instead get numbers like
block stationary at ~1in
... after a while
I think the problem has to be in here somewhere:
Also , after reading this think I might replace the Panasonic PNA4601M IR receiver with a Vishay TSOP4038.
The 4038 has a new trick: it can swag intensity/relative distance. I have not seen anyone use this trick yet. From :
Many other applications require a reflective sensor that detects not only presence but also proximity by measuring the strength or weakness of the reflected signal. Instead of a fixed detection threshold, analog information from the sensor is needed. This is possible with the TSOP4038, TSOP58038, and TSOP58P38 IR proximity sensors. The length of the sensor’s output pulse in response to the emitter signal varies in proportion to the amount of light reflected from the object being detected. For near objects, the output pulse approaches 100 % of the emitted pulse, for far objects the output pulse becomes shorter.