What is a good protection method?
T Chap
Posts: 4,223
I have a master controller with a bank of RJ45's on it, each with a different wiring scheme going to different devices. On one port, there is a BLDC motor cable that contains
Encoder A
Encoder B
Limit Switch pulled up to 5V via 10k
On the other ports there are signal lines, serial i/o lines, power, etc all ranging from GND, 3v3, 5V. On a few rare occasions an installer has plugged in the motor cable to one of the wrong ports and killed one of the Hall sensor outputs. I am not sure which port is the port that causes the problem because the installer never keeps track.
As a method of protection, I am considering a buffer module that sits between the motor and the master, that contains a resistor on each line of the 8 lines. Any suggestions on a value to offer protection against killing the encoder and hall sensors by plugging into the wrong ports? I was thinking 200 ohms.
Encoder A
Encoder B
Limit Switch pulled up to 5V via 10k
On the other ports there are signal lines, serial i/o lines, power, etc all ranging from GND, 3v3, 5V. On a few rare occasions an installer has plugged in the motor cable to one of the wrong ports and killed one of the Hall sensor outputs. I am not sure which port is the port that causes the problem because the installer never keeps track.
As a method of protection, I am considering a buffer module that sits between the motor and the master, that contains a resistor on each line of the 8 lines. Any suggestions on a value to offer protection against killing the encoder and hall sensors by plugging into the wrong ports? I was thinking 200 ohms.
No chance of changing the type of connector to physically prevent improper plug-in?
Even if I posted schematics, in the real world the installer still may wire up a cable wrong or use some non standard wiring.
I was going to suggest resistors, but would suggest a somewhat higher value, say about 470 ohms. That would limit the current to just over 1mA.