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Inexpensive High side solenoid driver that can handle 6A without getting hot? — Parallax Forums

Inexpensive High side solenoid driver that can handle 6A without getting hot?

eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
edited 2013-11-15 22:04 in Propeller 1
As the title says, I am on the hunt for a mosfet / profet / transistor that can fit in a 1/2" square and can handle 6A minimum. I just found out that 2 solenoids that my product may be connected to are 3ohm which at 16V is 5.3A. 16V is worst case. Average voltage should be 12 to 14.3. One of the solenoids will have to handle a 45hz pulse to the solenoid. Does anyone have a recommended component that would connect directly to the prop (with or without a current limiting resistor) and work for my application? I am browsing Digikey now, but most are pretty expensive or too big. The entire circuit including resistors, and flyback diodes must fit in 5/8" x 1/2" square at tops! To save some space, I am using all 1206 resistors.


  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2013-10-26 18:22
    As the title says, I am on the hunt for a mosfet / profet / transistor that can fit in a 1/2" square and can handle 6A minimum. I just found out that 2 solenoids that my product may be connected to are 3ohm which at 16V is 5.3A. 16V is worst case. Average voltage should be 12 to 14.3. One of the solenoids will have to handle a 45hz pulse to the solenoid. Does anyone have a recommended component that would connect directly to the prop (with or without a current limiting resistor) and work for my application? I am browsing Digikey now, but most are pretty expensive or too big. The entire circuit including resistors, and flyback diodes must fit in 5/8" x 1/2" square at tops! To save some space, I am using all 1206 resistors.

    There are plenty of P-ch MOSFETs in small packages that will handle this easily and since the operation is slow-speed you can just drive it with a 2222 using 10K across the gate-source. So that's a full 12V drive to the MOSFET so it should be fully on.

    How do you go about selecting a suitable MOSFET? Well I just went for a TO-252 and sorted according to price and picked the next to cheapest at 75 cents 1 off which handles 17A up to 30V.
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-26 19:07
    I was looking to do that using a 3904 NPN that I am already using on another part of the board. Problem is, I am EXTREMELY limited on space. I have to put 2 of these circuits inside a 5/8" x 1/2" square. I was hoping for a single component that could directly connect to the Prop (with or without limiting resistor) and require no additional circuitry other than maybe a flyback diode.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2013-10-26 19:19
    A 5/8" x 1/2" rectangle is HUGE for two SMT transistors and associated passives. But use 0603s, not 1206s, unless you really need the latter for the power dissipation.

  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-26 19:28
    I would go smaller, but this is my second circuit board I have ever designed, and first with surface mount. I will be touching up my soldering skills with this project! The 1206 are about as small as I would like to go due to soldering with an iron or hot air. Maybe I can go smaller on a different project.
  • Duane C. JohnsonDuane C. Johnson Posts: 955
    edited 2013-10-26 19:30
    Wait a minute.
    1. This started out as a small low side relay driver with a 12V power supply.
    2. Then a higher current high side relay driver using automotive relays but still a 12V power supply.
    3. Now it's a much higher current high side solenoid driver in a full blown Automotive application.

    Now come on, tell us what you want in the first place. There are lots of guys here who have vast experience in designing stuff.

    A full automotive application is pretty severe. In cold weather it is easy to get the charger/alternator to deliver 18V.
    Worse yet, lets say the battery is dead and you get a jump from a wrecker and it's 30C below zero. So he jumps the car at double voltage. It's pretty easy to see 30V or more on the power buss/battery.
    Designing to a clean 16V just won't cut it.

    If you want to drive a 3 ohm solenoid at 30V the driver must use MOSFETs with at least 10A, probably 30A, and at least 60V ratings. I would use a full high side N-Chanel MOSFET driver such as:
    These things are rugged and very reliable.
    I have used many thousands of a different part in the same family. I'v seen no failures due to the part.

    I doubt you can cram 2 of the driver chips and 4 power MOSFETs in 1/2" square.

    Duane J
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2013-10-26 19:44
    Oh, I didn;'t notice that both circuits had to fit in the one rectangle. Yeah, that's a bit unrealistic unless you use an integrated high-side driver.

  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-26 20:01
    The 2 threads are the same project, but different controllers. One is controlling the ground for relays, and this one is controlling the High side of factory solenoids. I have plenty of room for through hole components so they don't have to be surface mount. I want to stick with the original Profet that I have chosen for 2 other solenoids since it has the ability to shut down the entire chip if one channel has a problem. This is needed for my application. The other 2 which need much higher amperage are what I am wanting to control now. I may be able to squeeze another 1/8" if needed, but then I risk trace clearances. So to sum things up, there are 6 coils that will be controlled. Two are controlled by switching the ground, and 4 are controlled by switching the high side. Two of the solenoids activated by the high side require more amperage than my existing design can handle and I need to change it to match the current requirements. Controlling the 2 high amperage solenoids with the least amount of components is what I need.
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-27 11:07
    Ok, after a trip to radioshack and a BUNCH of online tutorials about the MOSFET, I have learned quite a bit. The MOSFET is not controlled in the same way a transistor is in terms of gate current. The Rds (Resistance from drain to source) plays a HUGE factor in heat dissipation. In my case, the lowest Rds possible is what I am needing. When I was at radioshack, I picked up some PNP switching transistors, and some IRF510 mosfets (That is all they had.) just to do some simple bench testing. After I had everything wired up, I tested a few motors I had laying around as well as some electromagnetic coils. I found that even running the MOSFET at 1/2 the amperage rating, it still gets warm to the touch. The Rds of the IRF510 is 0.6 ohms which is actually quite high so I know this will not work in my application. Just using it for testing.

    What I am still confused on is the Gate capacitance. Is this the "charge" that holds the gate on? Not draining it fast enough could cause the MOSFET to turn off too slowly generating more heat? Since I will be pulsing the "high side" of the solenoid at 45hz, I need to discharge the gate quickly enough to prevent it from staying on between pulses. Sorry for all the questions! I am just trying to learn :) I want to get this right the first time since I am ordering boards and it is kind of hard to change the board once they are made.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2013-10-27 16:14
    Ok, after a trip to radioshack and a BUNCH of online tutorials about the MOSFET, I have learned quite a bit. The MOSFET is not controlled in the same way a transistor is in terms of gate current. The Rds (Resistance from drain to source) plays a HUGE factor in heat dissipation. In my case, the lowest Rds possible is what I am needing. When I was at radioshack, I picked up some PNP switching transistors, and some IRF510 mosfets (That is all they had.) just to do some simple bench testing. After I had everything wired up, I tested a few motors I had laying around as well as some electromagnetic coils. I found that even running the MOSFET at 1/2 the amperage rating, it still gets warm to the touch. The Rds of the IRF510 is 0.6 ohms which is actually quite high so I know this will not work in my application. Just using it for testing.

    What I am still confused on is the Gate capacitance. Is this the "charge" that holds the gate on? Not draining it fast enough could cause the MOSFET to turn off too slowly generating more heat? Since I will be pulsing the "high side" of the solenoid at 45hz, I need to discharge the gate quickly enough to prevent it from staying on between pulses. Sorry for all the questions! I am just trying to learn :) I want to get this right the first time since I am ordering boards and it is kind of hard to change the board once they are made.

    Quite unfortunate that you picked the IR510 as that is very unsuitable not just for the Prop but just about anything else, what with a Rdson of 0.6 ohms and that's at 10V gate drive. The "thing" won't hardly turn on at 3.3V if at all as the graphs don't even bother showing anything below 4V gate drive but at that voltage it is unusable.

    The gate capacitance is something you have to deal with because it's a MOSFET, it would be really really nice if they could produce a MOSFET without any gate capacitance at all but that's not possible. When the Prop output tries to turn a MOSFET on it has to charge that capacitance first but it's like trying to fill a bucket (gate capacitance) with a hose (Prop output), the more pressure (voltage), the bigger the hose (current capacity), then the faster it will fill. When it's full then in this case the MOSFET is as fully turned on (low resistance) as it is going to get in this application. So always see the Prop output as a finite resistance, probably in the 50 ohms or there abouts region and it can't fill that bucket fast enough, relatively speaking.

    If the MOSFET only gets turned on for a while then off later it doesn't matter too much as the time it spent in this "not fully switched" region where it is a very poor conductor but great heat generator! is insignificant. Now when you are trying to turn the MOSFET on and off very quickly then it will get hotter and hotter unless you can switch it "hard", that is use a gate driver that can charge/discharge that gate capacitance very quickly so that the MOSFET is mostly either fully on or fully off, not in between (heat). A suitable mechanical switch won't get hot even if it's switching many amps because it has very low on resistance. That is why we refer to devices as switching devices because they should ideally behave like this. BTW, 45Hz is fairly slow so with a good MOSFET you can drive it directly from the Prop.
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-27 16:56
    I new the mosfet would not charge directly from the prop, I was using a PNP transistor to pull the gate high. Now since I am driving the high side of the coils, I would need a Pmos instead of an Nmos. According to the spec sheets, I am seeing most everything in "negative" values. The Vgs is -10V on one of them. How is this possible and how is that wired up to get "-10V". I am basing everything from this mosfet :

    It will probably not be the one I go with due to the size. If I could find a TO-220 that will work, I will probably go with that. The one above is just so I can learn a bit more about these nice components :)
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2013-10-27 17:03
    I new the mosfet would not charge directly from the prop, I was using a PNP transistor to pull the gate high. Now since I am driving the high side of the coils, I would need a Pmos instead of an Nmos. According to the spec sheets, I am seeing most everything in "negative" values. The Vgs is -10V on one of them. How is this possible and how is that wired up to get "-10V". I am basing everything from this mosfet :

    It will probably not be the one I go with due to the size. If I could find a TO-220 that will work, I will probably go with that. The one above is just so I can learn a bit more about these nice components :)

    A 9V battery's negative terminal is -9V when "referenced" from the positive terminal. When the source of a Pch is tied to positive guess what the reference is?

    What's wrong with the TO252 pack? You can also get through-hole TO251 packs that you can mount vertically.

    BTW, people say that Australia is "down under" and why is it that in all the SciFi movies the alien ships conform to the "upright globe" (north pole at the top) and the bottom of the ship towards the earth as well? Maybe that says a lot about how people think, 3D space mapped into 2D minds.
  • pmrobertpmrobert Posts: 677
    edited 2013-10-27 17:08
    I know there must be a reason why NOT - but why couldn't a logic level ignition coil driving IGBT be used for this purpose?
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-27 17:12
    I may be able to fit 2 TO252 mosfets in the area I have left, but it will be CLOSE! I am sure I would still need a flyback diode on these as well. Still not 100% on the already made gate drivers for mosfets.... How in the world do you match up a driver with a mosfet? I have searched all over trying to figure this out, but nothing has made sense to me yet.
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-27 17:19
    Here is a screenshot of what I am working with as far as area left over. I am sure I can re-arrange components and squeeze this in there. Still not sure about the mosfet drivers and any additional circuitry needed though. The TO252 is the unplaced component in the middle of the screen. The IC to the upper left of it is the other High side mosfet that connects directly to the prop and can handle 2.4A per channel. This one is good and I don't want to change it.
    800 x 422 - 93K
  • User NameUser Name Posts: 1,451
    edited 2013-10-27 17:27
    pmrobert wrote: »
    I know there must be a reason why NOT - but why couldn't a logic level ignition coil driving IGBT be used for this purpose?

    Most IGBTs are characterized with a 15 V gate drive. If there is a logic level IGBT, I haven't encountered it (but would like to!).

    BTW, a half-bridge gate driver IC (like the 8-pin IRS2106) will handle practically any gate drive voltage your transistors may require. The only problem is that the bootstrap capacitor approach to generating the high-side gate voltage requires frequent switching to stay charged.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2013-10-27 19:19
    I would not sweat the gate capacitance at 45 Hz. What matters as far as power dissipation is concerned, is the percentage of time the transistor spends in the transition zone between on and off. At a very pokey 45 Hz, even a 4.7K gate resistor would probalby not cause a problem.

    But you simply cannot drive a high-side pMOSFET directly from a Prop pin. If you tried, it would be on all the time. To do so, you will need to go through either an NPN transistor, such as a 2N3904, or a small nMOSFET, such as a 2N7000, either one with a pullup to the 12V supply.

    The other alternative would be to use a driver chip, such as the MIC5060 that can drive the gate of an nMOSFET well above the 12V power rail to turn it on.

    But to ditto what others have said with even more emphasis, throw those IRF510s in the trash! Jusdt get rid of them! Seriously. I don't know why RadioShack keeps selling those ancient dogs. They're worthless.

  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-27 21:19
    I only got the IRF510's to see if I could turn them on with a prop pin connected to a PNP transistor. I wanted to understand the circuit a bit more. They are not what I am going to use in my project. I have figured out a way to shove 2 of the TO252's on my board I think....

    I uploaded a design and was wondering if I have this correct. For some reason, I think I have this backwards.
    1024 x 487 - 82K
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2013-10-27 21:34
    The transistor you've shown in your schematic is an NPN, not a PNP, and is the correct kind to use here.

  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-27 21:53
    Ok, I was thinking I was off a bit..... long day... that is my excuse and I am sticking to it :)

    Here is an updated version. Q1 is a surface mount 2N3906. Now I need to figure out the values for each of the resistors.

    I am thinking these values :
    R1 = 4.7k (Per suggested value previously posted)
    R2 = 10K (To prevent the gate from "floating". May need to move to gate side instead of PNP collector side)
    R3 = 1K (Should be enough to drive the base of the transistor correctly from a prop pin.)

    D1 = Maybe I could use these : I am already using this on the power supply.
    1024 x 487 - 83K
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2013-10-27 22:41
    A 2N3906 is a PNP. That's the wrong transistor to use there, and your latest schematic will not work, since the MOSFET will always be on. Its complement, a 2N3904 NPN, used in your first schematic, would be an okay choice. (But now I'm repeating myself. See post #17.)

    BTW, the MOSFETs shown in your schematics are pMOSFETs and are the correct choice for high-side switching. The IRF510 is an nMOSFET and will not work there.

  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-27 22:46
    Ok, I am confused now :p Replace the PNP in my last schematic with an NPN without changing anything else? I already have some NPN 3904 surface mounts on order so that would work out.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2013-10-27 22:49
    No, use a 2N3904 in your first schematic, along with a pMOSFET (not the IRF510).

  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-27 23:20
    Ok, here is the updated schematic again with an NPN. Wouldn't the Mosfet be normally on if the NPN is not pulling the mosfet's gate low? Maybe I am not understanding the difference between a P channel and an N channel.
    1024 x 487 - 86K
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2013-10-27 23:41
    With a pMOSFET, you pull the gate below the source to turn it on.

    It wouldn't hurt you to get a good book or download a pdf about basic electronic theory. A random scattershot approach to design tends not to be very productive. This is my recommendation:
    The Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill

    It's expensive and worth every penny.

  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-27 23:44
    Ohhhh, ok, that makes sense now. Well, if the resistor values are correct, I am going to see if I can cram this on my board. Wish I could test it first :(
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    edited 2013-10-28 03:23
    I was just these days looking for the same for a new project. PWM solenoid driver for automotive ...

    On Ebay I got a cheap bunch of those: BTS441T
    but there are other similar ones here ...
    These are real automotive parts, not quite so cheap, but with some protection designed in.

    and they work with input levels of 2.2V - so great for Prop, no additionals Parts needed besides DIODE.
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-28 11:08
    Well, I was able to cram everything in the area I had left using the mosfet posted previously. Could someone take a look at it and let me know if I need to change anything? I am worried about "noise" causing an issue with some of the IC's and I only have one shot at this.
    958 x 849 - 259K
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2013-10-28 11:19
    I would use stiffer resistors on the MOSFET gate: maybe 330R for the series resistor (which is kind of optional anyway) and 2.2K for the pull-up. The NPN base resistor could also be 2.2K.

    In any event, you really need to test your circuit before committing to a PCB. And why not do a proto run with the PCBs (i.e. no soldermask or silkscreen -- fast and very cheap) since you seem to be rather uncertain about the design? There's nothing that we are willing to commit to here that will guarantee your success.

  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-10-28 11:39
    I do plan on only ordering proto boards right now since I have to test the entire thing anyways. I just don't have the extra cash to have to keep ordering boards for testing :( Every thing else has already been tested except for the UART, but I based that off of the Prop Plug schematic and the FTDI chip's self powered circuit (Not powered by USB from the computer). If I have all my traces correct, everything should be good to go. There are a few extra decoupling caps on some of the IC's than what my breadboard design has. My original prototype is a rats nest of wire. Still works with 0 issues though and I use it every day. This board will hopefully clean all that mess up.
  • eagletalontimeagletalontim Posts: 1,399
    edited 2013-11-14 21:20
    Ok, I have one of the protoboards all soldered up and finally have it programmed. After testing everything, it appears the MOSFET's will just not turn off :( Battery voltage is 12.8V. If the prop pin is off, the MOSFET output is 12.47V. If the pin is ON, the MOSFET output is 12.8V. Am I missing something here? I took Phil's advice and used the "recommended" resistors.
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