Send text messages from propeller
Posts: 3,772
Anyone have an idea on how I could send text messages from a propeller? I have internet access and was thinking could use some kind of service like to send the messages. I have tried connecting a prop to the internet before and failed before. Was wondering if anyone had some ideas/examples
The smart way with Tubular's Telit board.
The dumb way with relays.
I haven't had success with using a Prop on the internet either. I did get the relay version to work though.
The relay control text messager was done before I videoed my projects. I'm very tempted to wire it up again to record the fun sound it made as it sent a text message.
I just borrow the SIM card from my $100 a year prepaid normal cell phone to use in the relay controlled version. You can do the same with the Telit version. Assuming you have a cell phone to borrow it from.
I can see where this has limited application if you want to leave the Propeller available to text all the time.
The Spinneret or W5200 board of the quick start connect easily to the internet.
Heck, even if there are other solutions like Spinneret, it would be tempting to add the relay sound effects.
My BASIC Stamp 2p Alarm System used a PINK (NetBurner) module to send e-mail to my vtext address. So whenever there was an alarm event I would receive a text message. Most cellular carriers have an e-mail address corresponding to the subscriber phone number so you can send a TXT message via e-mail. For example, to send a text to a Verizon phone you would e-mail
You should be able to use the Spinneret or the WIZnet QuickStart board to accomplish this.
To confirm, I just tried it and it works on AT&T. I'm guessing you could set up a net service with PINK or similar system that could run a simple POP3 email client. I think that someone has already written a POP3 client on the Propeller to work with the old uController spinstudio Ethernet board (which I know you have, BTW) but I can't remember what that board is called to look up the code. That would probably be useful for your purposes.