simpletools.h no such file or directory
Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)
Posts: 23,514
I've just installed the latest SimpleIDE from the Parallax site and downloaded the "Learn" library. I've pointed the Library directory to the "Learn" folder. I've created a project in my project directory, which consists of this program:
When I build, I get the error stated in the title. I checked the "Learn" folder, and "simpletools.h" is there. So what's going on?
#include "simpletools.h" int main() { pause(1000); print("Hello!"); }
When I build, I get the error stated in the title. I checked the "Learn" folder, and "simpletools.h" is there. So what's going on?
My "out of the box experience" with GCC is, so far, pretty discouraging. On Wednesday I'm supposed to begin helping a high school class with some robotics stuff. The ActivityBot is a candidate for teaching programming. But these kinds of problems will make it a non-starter. If I can't get the simplest things to run by following instructions, I don't see how a roomful of non-programmers is going to cope.
If you did that, then another thing that might cause an issue (that I ran into with one of my machines) is that if your Documents folder is in a non-standard place (I use the library feature of Win7 to put it on a network share), then the copy step on initial run will fail. You instead have to do the copy yourself manually before first run, then do the first run of SimpleIDE, then unpack the learn folder over the existing one in your documents folder.
Not sure if this will help your specific case, but I did have similar issues before I figured these things out. I had only skimmed the install steps on my bad there.
Hi Phil,
Maybe you can illustrate what you mean by "use folder names" ... I don't recall such an option in the SimpleIDE installer.
When this box is checked, WinZip creates the necessary subdirectories in the target directory.
So you encountered a learn folder procedural problem not caused by SimpleIDE or Propeller-GCC.
Thanks for explaining.
What I have not tried yet with the fresh install is building projects from my own projects directory, not in "My Documents" but in "C:\jobs\simpleide." (Everything in c:\jobs\ gets backed up every night. "My Documents" is just a throw-away directory on my system. Too much junk defaults there that I don't really need to save.)
That is, today users must follow instructions for an update (Gag! you mean read and pay attention to detail?).
The desire is to detect whether or not a folder exists and act appropriately:
The default folder will remain "user Documents/SimpleIDE" because it is "Simple" and works well on all O/S.
Users can change the library folder in the options after install. That does not change the default location however.