Items missing on Parallax's new website - Discontinued?
Posts: 681
I was tracking down the probes for the Propscope (800-32220) and saw them on the old Parallax site but the search didn't find them on the new. I was just wondering what other items did not get transferred over. Does this mean the items not transferred over have been discontinued?
I'm guessing the Demo Board is handy if you want to plug in VGA, a mouse, and keyboard, but the Activity Boards does a good job of demonstrating the Propeller, and is $10 cheaper. Plus, it has a micro SD slot, XBee socket and analog inputs, things that more users might find useful. So I'm wondering if Parallax sees the Activity Board as the one with legs. Just a wild guess though.
You can call our Sales Department and they will sell you this item. We sell lots of replacement parts that may not be listed separately on the web site in this way.
Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday.
I just bought the Demo Board with the Propeller Manual and Programming the Propeller book last week (was half off). However I went back for documentation and didn't see the Board there. Dropping support right after a purchase is a no-go in my book.
Search for the board by item number and you'll see links for the docs. Parallax never ever drops support for anything.
On the VGA connector, I've always thought it would be nice to have a breakout board for this. It would contain the connector, the various resistors, and thru-holes for wiring it up to your favorite pins on your favorite Propeller board. Sparkfun has made a fortune selling breakout boards for lazy people like me who vastly prefer ready-made solutions in neat little packages.
Jen, is there a list of parts or replacements that can be purchased though sales?
There was a schematic and a manual. I guess I was just expecting other documentation.
Thanks for telling me about the PDB, looks like a few of the product categories went unchecked on that one. All fixed now.
There is not a comprehensive list of replacement parts available, sorry. The best thing to do would be to contact Sales over the phone or by email with the type of parts you were looking to purchase.