need bs2 code for 3 channel hz meter displayed on 2x16 backlit lcd
hate to be so needy all the time... i have three 500-650 hz signals that i need to use the COUNT method over 1/2 second to display rpm on a 2x16 backlit lcd screen. i have used the count method before but only to the debug screen. have no idea how to make it goto the lcd screen. i can submit the code i used in the past if the would help. Thanks for anyones time to help. this is used on a custom built cotton harvester. A John Deere 7760 Round Bale Picker that we converted to a Dual burr extracted 16 row stripper. We control all the row units height sensing with proportional controls and pwm control of pumps for hydraulic flow control. I am on the way to deliver this console and woud really like to be able to upload the code for lcd screen today. Jeff Kirk Farm Enhancement Systems 806-767-0715
For idx = 5 to 0
char = value DIG idx ' pick off the digits with leading zeros
GOSUB sendChar2LCD
There are excellent tutorials on LCDs, for example, there is a chapter on Using Character LCDs in Stampworks, download from
Of course, this requires the variables used to all have been set in advance and the attached example code sets things up. I hope this helps.
and lcd display does not work, it beeps every few seconds and shows a random 8 and { and no backlight