How Are Libraries Compiled, Built and/or Updated?
Being a newbie at Propeller C coding, I am curious if anyone can enlighten me on how to update and re-build a library?
I believe there is some direction in the manual, but I would like a little more instruction.
I have been compiling and building small programs using the SimpleIDE (per the tutorials), but am now curious on how to tackle the bigger library updates
Edit: I am particularly interested in editing libwavplayer library and rebuilding for all memory types..
Brian (BTL24)
I believe there is some direction in the manual, but I would like a little more instruction.
I have been compiling and building small programs using the SimpleIDE (per the tutorials), but am now curious on how to tackle the bigger library updates
Edit: I am particularly interested in editing libwavplayer library and rebuilding for all memory types..
Brian (BTL24)
Open the libwavplayer.side project from your folder: Documents\SimpleIDE\Learn\Simple Libraries\Audio\libwaveplayer
Verify that you can build the project with the default settings.
Open the Project View. Click on waveplayer.c, go to line 115, and make the change mentioned in another post.
Rebuild the libwavplayer project.
Click Project Manager -> Memory Model, and rebuild the project for memory model XMMC, LMM, and CMM in that order.
Don't build for COG, XMM-SINGLE, or XMM-SPLIT. Leave the Memory Model on CMM for next time.
Use Menu->Project and click on your last project for testing.
Brian (BTL24)
IT WORKED!!! I followed your instructions to the letter and the build went as planned. No errors.
More importantly, I then ran my original wav playing code (that was giving me trouble) and it is working terrific now! I am able to play wav files an unlimited number of times. It is now over 100 play times right now and still playing great! See
(I have been on travel this last week and just got back to my laptop... thus the reason for the delay in trying this out).
Very Grateful....
Brian (BTL24)