More SimpleIDE Translations? Please
Posts: 11,803
Hi All
The first version of SimpleIDE drew lots of translator interest.
The latest SimpleIDE version has translations for Spanish, French, and Simplified Chinese.
We would like to have more translations if possible. Any language is welcome.
I would really like to find volunteers for German and Japanese soon. I've been in touch with Nikos for a Greek translation.
All I can offer translators at this time is Credit in the IDE and/or a big THANK YOU.
Best Regards,
The first version of SimpleIDE drew lots of translator interest.
The latest SimpleIDE version has translations for Spanish, French, and Simplified Chinese.
We would like to have more translations if possible. Any language is welcome.
I would really like to find volunteers for German and Japanese soon. I've been in touch with Nikos for a Greek translation.
All I can offer translators at this time is Credit in the IDE and/or a big THANK YOU.
Best Regards,
The latest simpleide.ts file is attached here.
If You post English Text To translate it will be simpler to anyone help You!
1. xxxxxxxxxxxx
And so on
That's exactly what happens. A text file, in XML format, with the original English where one can enter whatever language translation. Of course there is some GUI editor tool one can use to edit this file but it's not required really.
For example, here is a snip from the Finnish translation file.
<location filename="aboutdialog.cpp" line="18"/>
<source>Copyright (C) 2012, Parallax, Inc.</source>
Actually, looking at the instructions for the GUI translation tool, Qt Linquist: it might be easier to do what you say and just post the XML text file and let people edit it in their favorite text editor.
Still Hi need post that official document
Was it lost?
Moreover I wasn't able to load it (or any other translation) in Simpleide.
A more general question is about how to translate some terms. For example, build and link have an Italian equivalent, but it sounds ugly and I doubt anyone ever used them. So I left them in English. Is this approach ok for you?
Everthing is here:
Still, Jazzed will say how to proceed.
I've posted the SimpleIDE Translation file and pointer to instructions in post 2.
When doing the translation you will open simpleide.ts (from the zip) in QtLinguist and fill in as many fields as possible with your translation.
If something doesn't translate perfectly, just use your best judgement.
You can test your SimpleIDE translation by saving the .qm binary to the SimpleIDE/translations folder as SimpleIDE_YY.qm and restarting simpleide.
The YY in the SimpleIDE .qm file name will be your 2 letter ISO-639-1 language code from this list:
All I need for including you name in the package is this:
1) The saved simpleide.ts file from your translation. I can build the .qm file for the distribution package.
2) Please state your name the way you prefer it to be included for the Credits when you are done.
It is very useful to have more than one person with a given language skill collaborate with and/or test the resulting translation.
Hi Massimo,
I'm sorry, but I don't recall seeing a .ts file from you. Did you send it in private email?
Looks like I never answered you last question. Please forgive that. Sometimes I miss forum posts.
If you don't know how to translate something, don't fill in the QtLinguist field so we will know to work on it.
Anyway I'll verify and update it and upload it again.
In the "Simple IDE: Parallax needs translators!" thread I posted a German translation. Also OppaErich followed up with an improved version. I haven't kept up with the SimpleIDE development that happened since then. Are the files from that thread useful or would any prospective translator have to start from scratch?
I loaded your translation, and noticed it still needs work.
You mentioned not being able to see the translation work.
Is your computer set to Italian?
The SimpleIDE_it.qm file must be put in the Program Files\SimpleIDE\translations folder to work.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Hi Christoph_H,
Attached is an updated source file. Thanks for your help.
It seems there's low traffic for Japanese users here, Steve, as they would be more comfortable in a localised forum. Any chance to place this request on the Japanese distributor's social networks?
Sounds good. Point them here. This is the best place where I can offer support.