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spin obx code not compiling to propller protoboard eeprom — Parallax Forums

spin obx code not compiling to propller protoboard eeprom

LimahongLimahong Posts: 3
edited 2013-10-03 15:17 in Propeller 2
When the propeller proto board is connected to the computer via usb and the proper tool, my spin code compiles both to the ram and eeprom of the proto board. However, once I've compiled the eeprom (F11) and remove the usb cable, the board does not boot up and run the program. What could possibly be the problem? I've wired up a whole bunch of electronic parts on the board and hope that the board is not damaged. The board used to run but somehow today it didn't. Any advise? Thank you.


  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2013-10-02 19:36
    Could you please repost this on the Propeller Forum. This is the Propeller 2 forum.
  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2013-10-03 15:17
    Welcome to the forums.

    Hopefully, a moderator will find this and move it to the Propeller 1 forum.

    What is powering your proto board when it isn't hooked up to the USB port?

    Does it still compile to the proto board with the bunch of parts on it when connected to the USB port?

    Can you better describe the bunch of electronic parts? (schematic? pictures?)

    Between when it "used to run" and today, did you just add the parts?

    The more detailed information you can provide the better and faster people can help.
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