Starship identification chart.
Now when someone ask what kind of spaceship was it you can answer.

Yeah. If they had left out the video game only stuff, there would have been room for more of the real spaceships
Or the Tardis? Hmm...that's so small it would not show up on that chart, but it's much much bigger on the inside:)
Or the Discovery One?
Kids today wouldn't know a real starship if they saw one.
Perhaps better left off such a poster.
Is the spaceship from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" included? What about Lazarus Long's transportation?
- Another Browncoat
Animae, movie, TV series?
Just guessing here, but...
EVE Online
Warhammer 40000 is also a game.
It's an asteroid mining ship, and doesn't have the need to cross between stars.
but yeah, it should have been on the chart as it's the longest-serving ship in the fleet...
Not a single ship from Doctor Who in there, The Last Starfighter is missing, the ship from 'Marco Polo' isn't there, either.
and what about Space Balls?
Or The Kite, from Terry Pratchett's book The Last Hero?
(after all, if a wooden spacecraft shaped like a bird, with a salmon-shaped pod full of small dragons doesn't qualify, then what does?)
This is what happens when gamers try to be creative...
(Marco Polo)
I got Season X of Red Dwarf earlier this week so now I have all 9 seasons.
prepare for "ludacris speed"
"They gone to Plad"
ha great movie
or what about the Silver Surfer's surfboard
The Silver surfer?
Take a good look at the Babylon5 'Earth Alliance Explorer Class' and specifically the trusses between the forward and middle section... If you look very close you may see him all tangled up in there...
He really shouldn't have tried to emulate those surfers he met at a beach on Hawaii...