Code For Wild Thumper
Posts: 3,629
I would like to recommend that Parallax put together some sample programs in SPIN and C to complement the Wild Thumper. I am currently working on some of my own and would be happy to submit as a starting point. It does not have to be anything fancy, just something so that newbies can download and run immediately like with other Bots and accessories that are sold.
Thanks for the suggestion!
The HB-25 motor controllers use the same pulses as a CR servo so I'd think most Propeller BOE-bot code would work with the WT. You'd want to make sure and have pin assignments match the wiring on your boards.
Fortunately for me I bought mine when it was on sale and just happened to have saved enough for it. I sold a few Stamp items but it was well worth it. I found a solution to my telescoping arm issue and ordered it yesterday. Once I get that built I will get started on mounting it to the WT and then will be writing/modifying a bunch of code. So long as nothing else comes up (ha ha) I hope to have that portion done in the next few weeks.