Basic Stamp Mini Game
Test your reflexes using the mighty BS2 
How it works:
0. Connect a button to P10 (pulled low when closed), Connect LED to P0, Connect Piezo to P1
1. Change Skill Level Variable in code if needed
2. Run the code below on your BS2
3. When the LED is on it is the beginning of the round (also determining random pause time)
4. Press the button to Start (LED goes out)
5. Wait for the LED to flash when it does press button to win!
6. If you miss or press to soon you lose round
6. Debug terminal keeps score

Build the circuit as pictured.
Use this code:
Have fun!

How it works:
0. Connect a button to P10 (pulled low when closed), Connect LED to P0, Connect Piezo to P1
1. Change Skill Level Variable in code if needed
2. Run the code below on your BS2
3. When the LED is on it is the beginning of the round (also determining random pause time)
4. Press the button to Start (LED goes out)
5. Wait for the LED to flash when it does press button to win!
6. If you miss or press to soon you lose round
6. Debug terminal keeps score

Build the circuit as pictured.
Use this code:
'{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} ' -----[ Program Description ]--------------------------------------------- ' Test your reflexes BS2 game. ' Button is pulled low on pin 10, Use LED and resistor on pin 0, connect ' piezo buzzer to pin 1. ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]------------------------------------------------- B01 PIN 10 ' Button LED PIN 0 ' LED BUZZER PIN 1 ' Piezo ' -----[ Variables ]------------------------------------------------------- SkillLevel VAR Word ' Skill level Varibable PValue VAR Word ' Pause value Varibable for random pause Counter VAR Word ' Counter Varibable for random LED flash Won VAR Word ' Wins Varibable for score Lost VAR Word ' Losses Varibable for score ' -----[ Init Setup ]------------------------------------------------------ Won = 0 ' Initialize Score Variables Lost = 0 SkillLevel = 150 ' Set skill level here (lower is harder) ' ~100 minimum for most push buttons ' -----[ Program Code ]---------------------------------------------------- DEBUG CLS ' Clear the debug terminal DEBUG "Skill Level " DEBUG DEC SkillLevel, "! " ' Display skill level variable DEBUG "Press Button to Start Round " DEBUG HOME, LF, "Won: " ' Show initial score DEBUG HOME, LF, LF, "Lost: " game: DO ' Game start DO UNTIL B01 = 0 ' Loop until button is pressed HIGH LED ' LED on RANDOM PValue ' Randomize PValue Varibable LOOP PAUSE 500 ' Give time for button release LOW LED ' Turn off LED GOSUB randompause ' Begin randompause subroutine GOSUB flash ' Begin flash subroutine LOOP randompause: ' Loops button input while waiting for random time DO UNTIL PValue < 101 ' to pass before flashing LED PValue = PValue - 10 ' Runs down random pause timer fast IF (B01 = 0) THEN GOTO lose ' If button pressed before LED flash, lose round LOOP RETURN flash: ' Flashes LED for skill level time FOR counter = 0 TO SkillLevel HIGH LED IF (B01 = 0) THEN GOSUB win ' Detects button press for win NEXT GOSUB lose ' No button press, lose lose: ' Lose subroutine LOW LED ' Turn off LED lost = lost + 1 ' Update score DEBUG HOME, LF, LF, "Lost: " DEBUG DEC lost, " " FREQOUT buzzer, 500, 3000 ' Play lose melody FREQOUT buzzer, 1000, 2700 FREQOUT buzzer, 1500, 2500 PAUSE 1000 ' Pause a second GOSUB game ' Go back to game start win: ' Win subroutine LOW Led ' Turn off LED won = won + 1 ' Update score DEBUG HOME, LF, "Won: " DEBUG DEC won, " " FREQOUT buzzer, 500, 5000 ' Play win melody FREQOUT buzzer, 100, 5500 FREQOUT buzzer, 1000, 6000 PAUSE 1000 ' Pause a second GOSUB game ' Go back to game start
Have fun!