7-digit LED Display
I had to purchase a new display and the connectors run opposite of how the one in the text runs. Do we have suggestions as to how to set this one up?
I also have a 28 digit display (4 sets of numbers) and twelve connectors. Is there a link to information as to how to code it and connect it.
I also have a 28 digit display (4 sets of numbers) and twelve connectors. Is there a link to information as to how to code it and connect it.
The way they are used will depend if they are common anode or common cathode.
Do you have links to information about the displays you have?
I'll come back later for information about the other display.
so connect eight 220-330ohm resistors to 8 basic pins then to Anode a-g and a high signal turns it on.
Anode A (Pin 14) controls the Top
Anode B (Pin 13) controls the Upper Right
Pin 9 (Anode DP) controls the Decimal Point
Anode C (Pin 8) controls the Lower Right
Anode D (Pin 7) Controls the Bottom
Anode E (Pin 6) Controls the Lower Left
Anode F (Pin 1) Controls the Upper Left
Anode G (Pin 2) Controls the Middle
smt pcb assembly
I believe Tony posted the pin configuration in the post just before yours.
This is the Basic Stamp forum. The PIC compiler you mentioned isn't going to be of much use.