Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)
Posts: 23,514
World's smallest servos?
I think it comes preloaded with the "avoid light" program.
I think it comes preloaded with the "avoid light" program.
They address criticisms about cruelty to cockroaches in the FAQ.
Aren't you supposed to call PETA about animal cruelty?
Or is that American Cockroach Civil Liberties Union? I almost missed the extra C.
This is one robotic Kickstarter I wasn't tempted to back.
See the website here:
It would be interesting to do some basic learning experiments with these types of tools, but my to do list for research is already way too big.
At an American university IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) would have to approve anything you do with roaches. But at most universities they don't care about invertebrates. As in you don't even have to ask them or fill out any paper work, just do whatever you want.