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specs for activity bot? — Parallax Forums

specs for activity bot?

GwolfeGwolfe Posts: 28
edited 2013-09-09 17:59 in Robotics
What are the specs for the new activity bot. I may be just overlooking them, but could not find them on the web site. Specifically, I would like to know the approximate top speed and the wheel encoder resolution.




  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2013-09-09 10:55

    The speed is going to be at least 2x faster than the original continuous rotation servos and the encoder resolution will be 64 steps per rotation @ 3.25mm per step. I hope this helps. The most information we have is on the Learn website rather than on the product page at this time since much is still evolving. Take care.
  • GwolfeGwolfe Posts: 28
    edited 2013-09-09 17:59
    That's what I needed to know.

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