GPS Parsing Problems
Posts: 136
So I keep running into problems with parsing strings. I have a few gps examples, none of them work. just tried moding gps_vga to a gps to serial, no love. if I relay the gps.rx to ser.tx (ser.tx(gps.rx)) i get all the gps info no problem, but it is in its $GGA,1232,1232,1212,2,0*17 form.
The ONLY thing that Kinda works:
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 OBJ 'text : "vga_text" text : "FullDuplexSerial" ' Serial Out instead of TV Out gps : "GPS_IO_mini" pub main | gmt gps.start text.Start(31, 30, 0, 115200) ' FullDuplexSerial to PC via USB to Serial Module text.str(string(13,"Loading... ")) repeat text.tx(00) text.str((string("Latitude "))) text.str(gps.latitude) text.tx(13) text.str((string("Longitude "))) text.str(gps.longitude) text.tx(13) text.str((string("GPS Altitude "))) text.str(gps.GPSaltitude) text.tx(13) text.str((string("Speed "))) text.str(gps.speed) text.tx(13) text.str((string("Satellites "))) text.str(gps.satellites) text.tx(13) text.str((string("Time GMT "))) text.str(gps.time) text.tx(13) text.str((string("Date "))) text.str( text.tx(13) text.str((string("Heading "))) text.str(gps.heading) text.str((string(" "))) text.str(gps.N_S) text.str(gps.e_w) text.tx(13) waitcnt(1_000_000_0 + cnt)
'' ***************************** '' GPS routines '' (c) 2007 Perry James Mole '' '' ***************************** ' PVH Comment - Excellent small GPS reader routines. ' $GPRMC Recommended minimum data ie: $GPRMC,081836,A,3751.6565,S,14507.3654,E,000.0,360.0,130998,011.3,E*62 ' $GPGGA GPS Fix Data ie: $GPGGA,170834,4124.8963,N,08151.6838,W,1,05,1.5,280.2,M,-34.0,M,,,*75 ' $PGRMZ eTrex proprietary barametric altitude ft ie: $PGRMZ,453,f,2*18 CON CR = 13 ' ASCII <CR> LF = 10 ' ASCII <LF> serXmit = 0 ' Serial Transmit on mouse serRecv = 1 ' Serial Receive on mouse GPSrx = 12 GPStx = 13 VAR long gps_stack[10] byte GPRMCb[68],GPGGAb[80],PGRMZb[40] long GPRMCa[20],GPGGAa[20],PGRMZa[20] byte gps_buff[80],Rx',cksum long cog,cptr,ptr,arg,j long Null[1] OBJ uart : "FullDuplexSerial_mini" PUB start : okay '' Starts uart object (at baud specified) in a cog '' -- returns false if no cog available 'okay := uart.start(GPSrx, GPStx, 1, 4800) okay := uart.start(GPSrx, GPStx, 0, 57600) ' My GPS is steup for 57600 return cog := cognew(readNEMA,@gps_stack) + 1 PUB readNEMA Null[0] := 0 repeat longfill(gps_buff,20,0) repeat while Rx <>= "$" ' wait for the $ to insure we are starting with Rx := uart.rx ' a complete NMEA sentence cptr := 0 repeat while Rx <>= CR ' continue to collect data until the end of the NMEA sentence Rx := uart.rx ' get character from Rx Buffer if Rx == "," gps_buff[cptr++] := 0 ' If "," replace the character with 0 else gps_buff[cptr++] := Rx ' else save the character if gps_buff[2] == "G" if gps_buff[3] == "G" if gps_buff[4] == "A" copy_buffer(@GPGGAb, @GPGGAa) if gps_buff[2] == "R" if gps_buff[3] == "M" if gps_buff[4] == "C" copy_buffer(@GPRMCb, @GPRMCa) if gps_buff[0] == "P" if gps_buff[1] == "G" if gps_buff[2] == "R" if gps_buff[3] == "M" if gps_buff[4] == "Z" copy_buffer(@PGRMZb, @PGRMZa) pub copy_buffer ( buffer,args) bytemove(buffer,@gps_buff,cptr) ' copy received data to buffer ptr := buffer arg := 0 repeat j from 0 to 78 ' build array of pointers if byte[ptr] == 0 ' to each if byte[ptr+1] == 0 ' record long[args][arg] := Null ' in else ' the long[args][arg] := ptr+1 ' data buffer arg++ ptr++ ' now we just need to return the pointer to the desired record pub altitude return PGRMZa[0] pub valid return GPRMCa[1] pub speed return GPRMCa[6] pub heading return GPRMCa[7] pub date return GPRMCa[8] pub GPSaltitude return GPGGAa[8] pub time return GPGGAa[0] pub latitude return GPGGAa[1] pub N_S return GPGGAa[2] pub longitude return GPGGAa[3] pub E_W return GPGGAa[4] pub satellites return GPGGAa[6] pub hdop return GPGGAa[7] 'pub vdop ' return GPGSAa[14]
The ONLY thing that Kinda works:
Pub Start ser.start(31, 30, 0, 115200) gps.start(GPSrx, GPStx, 0, 57600) repeat ser.tx(gps.rx)
check post #66 if it applies to you
i know its gotta be something simple that i am just over looking.
The Original:
My Version:
I know the output from AN002 is good. I need to be able to access the info with the mcu, not just ser.str out it.