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Eleve-8 Quad - Wobbling issue — Parallax Forums

Eleve-8 Quad - Wobbling issue

eyadeyad Posts: 3
edited 2013-09-05 12:57 in Robotics
Dear Team,

I’ve recently purchased and assembled the amazing Elev-8 quadcopter and it flies beautifully except for one problem that it wobbles and shakes while flying

I captured couple of videos that I hope will help you to see the problem and I believe you can hear the sound as well when the Quad keeps on trying to stabilize.

I tried to re-check all the configurations and settings but all seems to be correct , also I tried to re-calibrate the ESCs with no luck

Can you please help me on what could be the problem and how I can stabilize it while it is on air ?

Youtube links showing the problem :

Video 1:

Thanks and looking forward to your advise


  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2013-08-28 13:14
    What is your gain setting at (gear channel on transmitter)?
  • eyadeyad Posts: 3
    edited 2013-08-29 01:01
    Hi Chris,

    The gain is set for 25%
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2013-08-29 08:41
    Try lowering it down in increments of 5% and see if that stabilizes things for you. Let us know how that works.
  • eyadeyad Posts: 3
    edited 2013-08-30 10:39
    I tried your suggestion Chris, however, the quad begin to be uncontrollable on the gain of 20 and less

    it flies the best between gain of 25-40 , 40 the easiest to fly with a lot of wobbling and shaking and 25 harder to fly with less shaking and wobbling however it is still too much.

    Also i noticed that the quad started to act crazy on gain 20 and less as it goes to different direction by it self all the sudden for 1 sec till i control it back !

    Kindly advise what else could be the problem ?!
  • kenc3dankenc3dan Posts: 2
    edited 2013-09-04 00:25
    I've got a case of the wobbles as well, I just described it as throttle pulsing.
    Sorry I've posted in the main(ish) thread. Feel free to merge it with this one, sure looks similar.!?p=1204933&viewfull=1#post1204933
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2013-09-05 12:57
    Sorry, I've been out since the message was posted and will be back in tomorrow, however if you get this reply today I would recommend calling into Parallax Tech Support before 5 PM (PST) and speak with Nick, who is the most knowledgeable on the ELEV-8 platform and could best help you sort this issue out. Short of what I posted I am unclear what else could be causing the issue short of an unbalanced prop. Nick won't be available tomorrow, probably not again until Monday. He'd be the one who would surely know how to sort this out, but you'd be better off calling him on this. You can call toll-free.
    • Toll-Free: 888 99-STAMP (888-997-8267)For callers in the USA only.
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