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RFID Reader Software (VISUAL BASIC 2010) — Parallax Forums

RFID Reader Software (VISUAL BASIC 2010)

NowelNowel Posts: 2
edited 2013-08-27 02:39 in Robotics
Can someone please help me modify the attached rftag program. Firstly i would like to convert the original source code from VB6 to Visual Basic 2010 , and then i would like to modify the program to show a textbox with the words "Connected" when the tag is in the radius and the disconnected when the tag is out of the tag radius. Hope i have explained it well. Thank in advance. See attached


  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2013-08-26 11:58
    Converting from VB 6 to VB 10 I do not believe is doable. If you happen to find a way to do this let me know as I have several older files that need converting. I believe the problem lyes in the .net framework and the fact that VB 6 does not have it.
  • dmagnusdmagnus Posts: 271
    edited 2013-08-26 15:35
    Microsoft used to have a "converter" but they don't support it any more. You usually wound up doing most of it manually anyway. However, here is a free suite of conversion software that I found ... I can't make out what kind of file that is that is attached to post #1
  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2013-08-26 20:16
    Have you tried this software? If I am not mistaken I tried this or something similar and might as well have just rewritten all my code as it pretty much did nothing.
  • NowelNowel Posts: 2
    edited 2013-08-27 02:39
    Thanks for the link, i tried that free conversion - its really awesome but it couldn't convert everything as you said. I have re-attached the files again as a zip file.
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