bricked my XB24 after firmware update
I tried updating the firmware from 10EC to 10ED and now my XB24 fails to communicate.
It was working fine just before I did this
I've searched the web on this and tried just about everything including hard resetting it
by pulling reset to ground, powering up with reset asserted, hot plugging it into my
usb adapter after I start a write operation, change baud rate, and asserting DTR, break and
deasserting RTS
When I try reading it, it complains about losing communication
Here's what I get in the X-CTU message pane when I try writing new firmware
Getting modem type....Programming modem...Detected baud rate difference.
Make sure PC and modem baud rate is set correctly
Lost communication with modem
Found bootloader active reprogramming firmware.
Write Parameters...Failed
I'm using the USB adapter that came with the Parallax starter kit if that
makes any difference.
Is it stuck in some sleep mode? how to get it out of sleep mode if that's
the case?
any ideas?
It was working fine just before I did this
I've searched the web on this and tried just about everything including hard resetting it
by pulling reset to ground, powering up with reset asserted, hot plugging it into my
usb adapter after I start a write operation, change baud rate, and asserting DTR, break and
deasserting RTS
When I try reading it, it complains about losing communication
Here's what I get in the X-CTU message pane when I try writing new firmware
Getting modem type....Programming modem...Detected baud rate difference.
Make sure PC and modem baud rate is set correctly
Lost communication with modem
Found bootloader active reprogramming firmware.
Write Parameters...Failed
I'm using the USB adapter that came with the Parallax starter kit if that
makes any difference.
Is it stuck in some sleep mode? how to get it out of sleep mode if that's
the case?
any ideas?
Strange thing is, I just set it to 115.2Kbaud (instead of 9600baud) and clicked the 'no baud change' under the Modem Flash Update option in the PC Setting menu
and then tried writing again... This time the entire update worked and it appears functional again. The red LED out in front is blinking again
What's with the baud rate? I thought default was 9600???
I'm paranoid to update my other modems' firmware now :-(
Could you have used it with a program that changed the baud?
I'm glad you got it working again.