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2013 Halloween Project — Parallax Forums

2013 Halloween Project

RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
edited 2013-11-03 19:53 in Robotics
Ok, previous years I went to the trouble of putting my controllers in cases only to want to do something different the next year and abandoning the old case.

So, this year, no case. Actually making them so they can be disassembled and re-purposed afterwards.

New props adding to the line-up this year


  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2013-08-15 20:01
    Way cool. Every year I think of doing something for Halloween and before I know it the time is already here. I may just get around to actually doing something this year. The biggest problem is the fact that whatever I do needs to be contained to my walkway. Because of Insurance regulations and so on I can not do a set up in my backyard like I want to. Any how, it's looking good and keep us posted.
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-08-16 06:00

    The nearly finished live trap box. I am planning to turn off the lights after lid pops up, Leaving it
    to the imagination what might of crawled out of the box.
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  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-08-16 10:05
    relay bank.jpg

    A diagram I worked up to help in the wiring of the relay control board.
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  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-08-19 11:12
    2013 hallowen layout plan b.jpg

    Current plan for the layout of the haunt.

    The trail-goers have to enter door of Junk Yard that says "No trespassing" "Dog guards on duty" which trips the laser tripline and turns off
    the happy Cajun party music and the first dog starts growling. He attacks a short time later, then the live trap box goes off with the tent lights blinking off.
    Then pole cat does his thing and the Spectre. Got two dogs that I don't have controlled that I am not sure what I am going to do with them.

    Then a fellow in a Leatherface mask jumps them in the next tent who pushes them out into the tear down area where more psycho rednecks are
    sizing up the trail-goers for body bags and following them into the killzone.

    I then set off the last electronics here turning on the airhorn and spotlights.

    Then one final goose as they round the truck with the spotlights as head banger in the drivers seat starts doing his thing.
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  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-08-20 10:39
    This relay control board is mainly for head banger, spotlights, and airhorn.
  • GeeksGoneBadGeeksGoneBad Posts: 100
    edited 2013-08-21 03:46
    Awesome stuff as usual, gets me motivated to work on something! :)

    I should make a trip to Ocala this year to check your stuff out!

  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-08-21 05:25
    Got this year's dates and times on the the new poster.

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  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2013-08-21 09:09
    Tom, Congrats on making Project of the Week!
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,182
    edited 2013-08-24 11:25
    Very cool!

    I was just down at Disneyland helping them with some Propeller code for a controller (EFX-TEK HC-8+) that they'll be using to control a servo-animated Zero puppet that will be "flying" on the top of the gingerbread house in the Mansion (this is all part of the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay). In that same prop they're using a couple BASIC Stamp 1-based Prop-1 controllers (also from EFX-TEK) to randomly move Jack Skellington icons.

    If you visit Disneyland (Anaheim, CA) on or after September 13th you'll see lots or Parallax powered props in action -- among them, the BASIC Stamp 1 (Prop-1 controller), BASIC Stamp 2 (Prop-2 controller), SX chip (Prop-SX and EZ-8 controllers), and the Propeller (HC-8+ controller).
  • knikulaknikula Posts: 26
    edited 2013-08-24 11:39
    pretty cool....I need to build a security system with a few features like that...
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-08-24 16:02
    Hahaha. An illegal Edgar Allen Poe inspired trap security system comes to mind, but I am so
    absent minded I would walk right into it.

    "Is that an alarm going off?", me.

    Which brings up polecat who is moving way too fast to be seen.
  • knikulaknikula Posts: 26
    edited 2013-08-25 07:54
    you're doing some cool stuff there on youtube....
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-08-25 13:46
    I just got a DC/DC Converter 12V Step down to 9V 3A 15W Power Supply Module off ebay to see if it runs the
    polecat at a better clip.

    The 3amp worries me if it will move the prop, and that it was only $4.00 including shipping worries me a bit too, but I am running
    on a really small budget.
  • phatallicaphatallica Posts: 64
    edited 2013-08-25 20:35
    If the DC-DC converter does not prove satisfactory, then you may want to consider a PWM controller like this for speed control.

    The Propeller could also provide the PWM control if you happen to have some appropriate power MOSFETs (and driver circuitry).
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-09-01 18:05
    One of the simpler props being added.
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-09-08 17:20
    Spectre on the control board. I am using a reed switch with a magnet on the "backbone" to determine when he is in the back position to tell propeller to
    turn motor off. Works most of the time, but sometimes he bounces back forward.

    A chord attaches the shoulders to the building, pulling the shoulders down thru a pulley, bringing the arms up.
    The chord seems to yank him back before the arms come up, which wasn't what I was envisioning, but it will work.
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-09-15 12:09
    Took over the sun room to work on the line-up. Dog is still waiting some TLC before being hooked up.

  • GeeksGoneBadGeeksGoneBad Posts: 100
    edited 2013-09-16 07:12
    Awesome updates! Thanks for keeping us posted - I love seeing the progress (because I am not making ANY LOL) Good stuff!
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-09-18 07:14
    Thank you. I am trying to look ahead on how I am going to post the log data since I will probably be too tired to think about it afterwards.

    I am using Google's Spreadsheet, which isn't Excel but has most everything I need.

    After importing the log file, I create a pivot table with the column hours and a value of count. Then just a simple bar graph showing
    the hits on the laser tripline per hour.

    Haven't figured out how to make use of the minute data.

    log data.jpg
    pivot table.jpg
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  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-10-01 08:27
    Got the doggie, lights, and video camera added in. 17 more days before showtime
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-10-02 09:45
    Getting into the non-electronic work of the project, as this part of the paintball field is closed for Haunted Trail construction. We built a
    frame for the Junk Yard's Sales tent. A long enclosure that will house most of the animated props.

    Got maybe a week before we move the props to the location.

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  • Kevin CookKevin Cook Posts: 159
    edited 2013-10-02 13:27
    Looks like a perfect location for a Halloween maze!

    A large Tesla coil could add "shock" value.
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-10-02 14:00
    GoogleEarth view of Wayne's World

    The Haunt takes place mostly in the city which is the SW corner of the whole playing field.
    A Mad Lab is one of the things we are missing in all that.

    Thanks to the Jaycees joining us this year, we are going to have a maze somewhere. They
    use to have their own Haunted Trail at Silver Springs Nature Park, but Florida took over the park
    this month and I guess there was some issue of them doing it there so they are joining us.

    We might have some REALLY busy nights.
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-10-06 07:22
    The Junk yard wall is up. If you need something with the look of being made
    with no planning or measurements and with whatever materials are nearby then
    I am your guy as I have a master's in redneck construction.

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  • RobertbranchRobertbranch Posts: 1
    edited 2013-10-07 18:43
    Looks like an awesome set up. Definitely going to pay a visit!
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-10-15 15:44
    Headbanger's pimped out ride
    I control this with a hand trigger switch that I took off a drill.
    First press turns on spotlights and airhorn
    Second press turns them off
    Third press runs Headbanger 3 seconds
    Forth press runs Headbanger 3 seconds
    then it goes back to top of the list.
         repeat while ina[startbutton] == 0   'do nothing til first press
         outa[airhorn] := 1
         outa[spotlights] := 1
         waitcnt(clkfreq /2 + cnt)
         repeat while ina[startbutton] == 0   'keep on until next press
         outa[airhorn] := 0
         outa[spotlights] := 0
         waitcnt(clkfreq /2 + cnt) 
         repeat while ina[startbutton] == 0   'wait for next press to do first headbanger     
         outa[headbangermotor] := 1
         waitcnt(clkfreq * 3 + cnt)
         outa[headbangermotor] := 0
         waitcnt(clkfreq /2 + cnt) 
         repeat while ina[startbutton] == 0   'wait for next press to do second headbanger
         outa[headbangermotor] := 1
         waitcnt(clkfreq * 3 + cnt)
         outa[headbangermotor] := 0
         waitcnt(clkfreq /2 + cnt)
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-10-17 10:33
    One more night. All props finally working again, had some issues in the move. Lost my card adapter for writing
    trip wire times, but with everything else working I am going without it this weekend. Hope to work on it next week.


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  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-10-17 10:40
    A friendlier Killian then the trail goers will experience.
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-10-18 08:50
    Rehearsal. Having some issues with the sound card files getting corrupted from time to time. Can't figure out what is causing it.
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2013-10-19 10:01
    Kind of hard to see, but the video let's me see how the sales tent worked or not. Got some timing issues to work out.
    It is hard to account for in my routine for the different speeds people come through.
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