Propeller Project Board USB crystal problem
Hal Albach
Posts: 747
I recently received the Propeller Project Board USB and last night I started doing the Spin Programming Tutorial. Everything worked as it should until I got to Lesson 6 and selected the onboard 5 MHz crystal. Everything came to a screeching halt. None of the LED's would toggle. I added the PLL4X to the _CLKMODE and slowly, excruciatingly slowly, the LEDs began to light up. Tried several other crystals, no joy. It continued to operate extremely slow even with the crystal removed as long as I had a PLL setting of 2 or higher. I'm guessing that the PLL is picking up environmental noise and working with that. It appears that the Propeller is not seeing the crystal. The Spin Tutorial is the only program that has been run on this board. Just LEDs through 220 Ohm resistors on pins 16 -23. When I removed the crystal I noticed that the two sockets that the crystal plugs into extend up from the board and I wonder if the crystal's metal case could have shorted the connections. As it stands, I have a Propeller that will only run when using the internal RC clock source.
There is a Spin Tutorial in the Ver 1.01 Propeller Manual that was removed in later versions. I liked this so much that I created a separate PDF of just that section to refer to.
The version in the Propeller Tool is a bit different and in HTML style... reads differently and distracts me.
BTW, how does on go about adding the red <solved> to the title?
To mark it solved, edit your first post under advanced and you will find it there.
Now go and buy a 5MHz xtal
BTW Without you trying the 6MHz most of us would have suspected the PLL.
Just to make it clear, I replaced the 5 MHz 2 legged crystal with a 6 MHz 4 legged oscillator, and changed the two statements in CON block from:
_XINFREQ = 5_000_000
_XINFREQ = 6_000_000
It wasn't the frequency change that worked, it was going from a simple 2 pin crystal to a 4 pin oscillator that made the difference.