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Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick Driver, Hack, Extras — Parallax Forums

Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick Driver, Hack, Extras

Keith YoungKeith Young Posts: 569
edited 2013-08-13 16:18 in Robotics

This is my initial post to really start this project I had started before. After graduating from Engineering school I have more time to devote to actual stuff, and when looking around for a project I found a giant pile of dust, under which was this joystick.

I've had this thing for years. It's a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, and can be had for $30 bucks or so.


I'll add more detail later, but essentially my buddy broke his and I managed to fix it, and realized how simple the design looked. I bought a new shinier joystick for gaming (Saitek) and started hacking the 3D Pro.

I took out the screws from the base, took out the circuit board that converts all the signals then sends it out a USB cable, and started figuring out how it worked. My most useful tool for this was Parallax's USB Oscilloscope.


I found that there were fewer wires than buttons. It was accomplished by sending pulses up the wires. I managed to duplicate this system and then write it in Assembly code.

When writing down all the improvements I can make, I realized this was a large enough project to warrant a Project Thread.

Current to do list:
  • Improve documentation
  • Add calibration (in progress)
  • PID or something to smooth the ADC data
  • Make it easier to call the program externally
  • Eventually use this for something cooler than controlling a cardboard box turned into an Ekranoplan

So anyway, this is just opening up the project. I don't have much on it yet, but I cleaned up my demo last night and will keep working on it.


I do have an old YouTube video of an old version. I'll be making a better video in the future.

This is my first project, so I'd love to have some input, especially about making this user friendly and well documented. I'll have 100 problems with this. My current one is when calibrating, sometimes the output will go over 65,536. Being a Mechanical/Aero Engineer I don't know much about WORD,LONG,FLOAT etc. So I need to figure out if I should leave a safety gap, or change the data type etc. I may as well post all the code below for now, since people tend to ask for it.

Thanks for the help and any comments/ratings. Please enjoy this object, help me make it better for you and others, and let others know if it works for you so they aren't afraid of spending $30 bucks on a dud.

Keith Young -
Updated - Jul 31 2013
Copyright (c) 2012 Keith Young
Terms of use at end of file


  A basic schematic is shown below for how to get things set up.

  Several examples are given for how buttons and analog signals can be used.

  For now, the default I'm uploading is with the 6 base buttons on the joystick
        commented out to improve the speed. This is because it's difficult to fit
        all the wires without modifying the joystick through drilling or getting
        special wires. It's totally easy and doable to make more space for the
        wires, but the assumption is you don't want to do any more than remove the
        circuit board inside and replace all that with wires going out to your Prop.
        To enable these 6 buttons, go to the assembly code below and uncomment all
        the code for the extra buttons.

  I have several improvements in mind, but first I want to see how this better demo
        does. I hope to get better documentation, calibration, and smoothing etc
        in later versions.

  I am new to uploading this sort of stuff, so please leave feedback for
        recommendations, and especially let people know if this works for you.
        I don't want people to be afraid of spending $30 bucks to get the
        joystick and fear this won't work. So please comment and rate!
                This assumes colors of wires are the same throughout the manufacturing
                history of this product. You may wish to check this so as to be sure
                you aren't connecting this bass ackwards.

          Joystick  -----------------------------------------------------------------

                Red     ┼  Pin 19 and Pull Up  3.3V   (I use 10Kohm)
                Green   ┼  Pin 20 and Pull Up  3.3V
                White   ┼  Pin 21
                Yellow  ┼  Pin 22 and Pull Up  3.3V
                Pink    ┼  Pin 23 and Pull Up  3.3V
                Orange  ┼  Pin 24
                Grey    ┼  Pin 25
                Brown   ┼  3.3V
  Rudder Pot    Black   ┼  1st Channel ADC
                Blue    ┼  GND
                Red     ┼  3.3V
  Aileron Pot   Green   ┼  2nd Channel ADC
  Elevator Pot  White   ┼  3rd Channel ADC
                Black   ┼  GND

          Joystick Base  ------------------------------------------------------------

                Orange  ┼  Pin 15 
                Black   ┼  Pin 14 and Pull Up  3.3V
                Brown   ┼  Pin 13 and Pull Up  3.3V
                Grey    ┼  Pin 12 and Pull Up  3.3V
                Pink    ┼  Pin 11 and Pull Up  3.3V
                Yellow  ┼  Pin 10 
                White   ┼  GND
   Throttle Pot Green   ┼  4rth Channel ADC
                Red     ┼  3.3V

                tk Basic ADC Schematic
                tk link to website/blog
                tk Calibration
                tk PID or other smoothing
                tk Easier to call the program from outside

       (Old version not using PST)
                  Also note, skipping the base buttons you can fit the silver cover back on
                  without problems. When you want to include the 6 base buttons though
                  you'll probably need to drill a small hole or something to fit all those
                  wires out since the USB wire hole is too small.


  _clkmode  = xtal1 + pll16x
  _xinfreq  = 5_000_000                                                        

  ADC_dpin  = 1   'Sets ADC Pins
  ADC_cpin  = 2
  ADC_spin  = 0

  rudderc   = 0   'Sets ADC Channels
  aileronc  = 1
  elevatorc = 2
  throttlec = 3

  baud      = 115200   
  AD    : "MCP3208_fast_ADC"          
  DB    : "FullDuplexSerial"   
  long Shared
  word rudder, aileron, elevator, throttle

  word ruddermin, ruddermax, aileronmin, aileronmax
  word elevatormin, elevatormax, throttlemin, throttlemax
  word rudderslope, rudderint
  word aileronslope, aileronint
  word elevatorslope, elevatorint
  word throttleslope, throttleint
  word rudderout, aileronout, elevatorout, throttleout
  long stack[256]
  byte Cog
PUB Start(Pos) : Pass 
  AD.Start(ADC_dpin, ADC_cpin, ADC_spin, 0) 'Start ADC
  DB.Start( 31, 30, 0, baud)                'Start Parallax Serial Terminal communication
  Pass := (Cog := cognew(@entry, @Shared)+1)>0'Begin running Assembly code
                                            'It's where the actual sampling takes place

  dira[27]~~                          'LED setup

  Check                               'Enter main loop

Pub Check

  repeat                              'Main user accessable loop
    waitcnt(clkfreq / 20 + cnt)       'Slow down long enough to display on PST     
    rudder   := AD.In(rudderc)        'Get ADC value of Rudder
    aileron  := AD.In(aileronc)       'Get ADC value of Aileron 
    elevator := AD.In(elevatorc)      'Get ADC value of Elevator
    throttle := AD.In(throttlec)      'Get ADC value of Throttle
    DB.Str(String("Buttons  = "))
    DB.Dec(Shared)                    'Display status of Buttons
    DB.Str(String("Rudder   = "))
    rudderout := rudderslope*rudder-rudderint
    DB.Dec(rudderout)                    'Display Rudder value
    DB.Str(String("Aileron  = "))
    aileronout := aileronslope*aileron-aileronint
    DB.Dec(aileronout)                   'Display Aileron value
    DB.Str(String("Elevator = "))
    elevatorout := elevatorslope*elevator-elevatorint 
    DB.Dec(elevatorout)                  'Display Elevator value
    DB.Str(String("Throttle = "))
    throttleout := throttleslope*throttle-throttleint 
    DB.Dec(throttleout)                  'Display Throttle value


    The small section immediately below shows how the buttons can be used
    in your code.

    1 - If you pull the trigger, PST will show "Trigger Engaged", LED on
    2 - If you press HAT forward right, PST will show "Combo Engaged", LED on
    3 - If you press buttons 3 and 4 on Joystick, calibrate
    4 - If throttle is high and button 2 is held...

    if shared & butt1 == butt1        
      DB.Str(String("Trigger Engaged"))
    if shared & butt13 == butt13 and shared & butt14 == butt14
      DB.Str(String("Combo Engaged"))    
    if shared & butt3 == butt3 and shared & butt4 == butt4
    if shared & butt2 == butt2 and throttle > 2000

Pub Calibrate

  waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)
  ruddermin := rudder
  ruddermax := rudder
  aileronmin := aileron
  aileronmax := aileron
  elevatormin := elevator
  elevatormax := elevator
  throttlemin := throttle
  throttlemax := throttle

  repeat while shared & butt3 <> butt3 and shared & butt4 <> butt4

    waitcnt(clkfreq / 50 + cnt)       'Slow down long enough to display on PST     
    rudder   := AD.In(rudderc)        'Get ADC value of Rudder
    aileron  := AD.In(aileronc)       'Get ADC value of Aileron 
    elevator := AD.In(elevatorc)      'Get ADC value of Elevator
    throttle := AD.In(throttlec)      'Get ADC value of Throttle
    if rudder < ruddermin
      ruddermin := rudder
    if rudder > ruddermax
      ruddermax := rudder  
    if aileron < aileronmin
      aileronmin := aileron
    if aileron > aileronmax
      aileronmax := aileron
    if elevator < elevatormin
      elevatormin := elevator
    if elevator > elevatormax
      elevatormax := elevator
    if throttle < throttlemin
      throttlemin := throttle
    if throttle > throttlemax
      throttlemax := throttle

  rudderslope := 65536/(ruddermax-ruddermin)
  rudderint := rudderslope*ruddermin
  aileronslope := 65536/(aileronmax-aileronmin)
  aileronint := aileronslope*aileronmin
  elevatorslope := 65536/(elevatormax-elevatormin)
  elevatorint := elevatorslope*elevatormin
  throttleslope := 65536/(throttlemax-throttlemin)
  throttleint := throttleslope*throttlemin
  waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt)  
Pub Stop

  if Cog
    CogStop(Cog~ -1)    
           ORG      0
entry      mov Mem, PAR         
           or       dira,pinn21         
           or       outa,pinn21   
           or       dira,pinn25         
           or       outa,pinn25         
           or       dira,pinn24          
           or       outa,pinn24  
{{         or       dira,pinn10      Un comment this area in order to use            
           or       outa,pinn10      the 6 buttons on the base of the                
           or       dira,pinn15      joystick and the throttle                       
           or       outa,pinn15                                                      
           or       dira,pinn17      ALL AREAS OF CODE COMMENTED OUT BELOW CONTROL  
           and      outa,pinn17      JOYSTICK BASE. UNCOMMENT FOR THIS FUNCTION   }}
           or       dira,pinn27        
           and      outa,pinn27
           xor      outa,pinn21
           xor      outa,pinn25
           xor      outa,pinn24
           'xor      outa,pinn10                           
           'xor      outa,pinn15                                                        
           mov      time,cnt             'Current clock loaded into time
           add      time,delay           'delay added to time    
           xor      outa, pinn21         'Pin 21 PHASE 1
           waitcnt  time,delay
           mov      temp, ina              
           test     temp,   pinn23    wz '13 Hat Up     
    if_z   or       button, butt13         
    if_nz  andn     button, butt13         
           test     temp,   pinn22    wz '14 Hat Right    
    if_z   or       button, butt14       
    if_nz  andn     button, butt14
           test     temp,   pinn19    wz '15 Hat Down          
    if_z   or       button, butt15       
    if_nz  andn     button, butt15
           test     temp,   pinn20    wz '16 Hat Left      
    if_z   or       button, butt16       
    if_nz  andn     button, butt16      
           xor      outa, pinn21
           xor      outa, pinn25         'Pin 25 PHASE 2
           waitcnt  time,delay
           mov      temp, ina             
           test     temp,   pinn20    wz '1 Trigger      
    if_z   or       button, butt1       
    if_nz  andn     button, butt1          
           test     temp,   pinn19    wz '2 Secondary     
    if_z   or       button, butt2       
    if_nz  andn     button, butt2
           test     temp,   pinn22    wz '3 Bottom Left    
    if_z   or       button, butt3       
    if_nz  andn     button, butt3
           test     temp,   pinn23    wz '4 Bottom Right   
    if_z   or       button, butt4       
    if_nz  andn     button, butt4     
           xor      outa, pinn25
           xor      outa, pinn24         'Pin 24 PHASE 3       
           waitcnt  time,delay
           mov      temp, ina             
           test     temp,   pinn20    wz '5 Top Left            
    if_z   or       button, butt5        
    if_nz  andn     button, butt5        
           test     temp,   pinn19    wz '6 Top Right     
    if_z   or       button, butt6       
    if_nz  andn     button, butt6
           xor      outa, pinn24
{{           xor      outa, pinn10       'Pin 10 PHASE 4            
           waitcnt  time,delay                                                      
           mov      temp, ina                                                        
           test     temp,   pinn12    wz '7 Base Top Left                                          
    if_z   or       button, butt7                                                    
    if_nz  andn     button, butt7                                                    
           test     temp,   pinn11    wz '8 Base Top Right                                         
    if_z   or       button, butt8                                                    
    if_nz  andn     button, butt8                                                    
           xor      outa, pinn10                                                     
           xor      outa, pinn15         'Pin 15 PHASE 5                             
           waitcnt  time,delay                                                       
           mov      temp, ina                                                        
           test     temp,   pinn13    wz '9  Base Middle Left                                          
    if_z   or       button, butt9                                                    
    if_nz  andn     button, butt9                                                    
           test     temp,   pinn14    wz '10 Base Middle Right                                         
    if_z   or       button, butt10                                                   
    if_nz  andn     button, butt10                                                   
           test     temp,   pinn12    wz '11 Base Bottom Left                                         
    if_z   or       button, butt11                                                   
    if_nz  andn     button, butt11                                                   
           test     temp,   pinn11    wz '12 Base Bottom Right                                         
    if_z   or       button, butt12                                                   
    if_nz  andn     button, butt12                                                   
           xor      outa, pinn15      }}                                              
           wrlong   button, Mem            
           jmp      #:Loop               ' Check trigger again using :loop
  button                byte    0000000000000      
  delay     long    5000
  pinn21    long    |< 21
  'pinn10    long    |< 10     
  pinn25    long    |< 25
  pinn24    long    |< 24
  'pinn15    long    |< 15
  'pinn17    long    |< 17
  pinn27    long    |< 27     
  pinn20    long    |< 20
  pinn19    long    |< 19
  pinn22    long    |< 22
  pinn23    long    |< 23
  'pinn12    long    |< 12  
  'pinn11    long    |< 11  
  'pinn13    long    |< 13  
  'pinn14    long    |< 14
  butt1     long    |<  0
  butt2     long    |<  1
  butt3     long    |<  2
  butt4     long    |<  3
  butt5     long    |<  4
  butt6     long    |<  5
 ' butt7     long    |<  6
 ' butt8     long    |<  7
 ' butt9     long    |<  8
 ' butt10    long    |<  9
 ' butt11    long    |< 10
 ' butt12    long    |< 11
  butt13    long    |< 12 
  butt14    long    |< 13
  butt15    long    |< 14
  butt16    long    |< 15
  temp      long    0 
  time      Res     1    
  Mem       Res     1

  {{  Obviously this is the license and not part of the base buttons. Leave this
        commented out.

//                                                  TERMS OF USE: MIT License
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
// modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
// Software.

I will also be writing about this on my website at
459 x 500 - 27K


  • Keith YoungKeith Young Posts: 569
    edited 2013-07-31 12:10
    I've looked at the issue over lunch and I'm thinking since the ADC is 12 bit anyway it does me no good using the full 16 bits. So I think I'm going to use 12 bit and fit it somewhat in the middle of the space in the Word. For example, 0 would come out as 1,000. This would make sure the numbers never over flow and give goofy results.

    Let me know if this is a horrible idea. I may have stepped foot in a computer science building, but not much rubbed off on me.
  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2013-07-31 13:46
    roughwood I have this same model and awhile back I wanted to use it to control Propeller projects. What I ended up using is a RobotBasic program in the computer that reads the joystick data and sends it out serial to the Propeller on it's USB connection. RobotBasic is

    free and the program in the computer is simple. I have made a Propeller object to read in the data. I have yet to take mine apart. I will be following your project. Have fun with your project!
    'Computer usb joystick to serial output for Propeller
    SetCommPort 21, br115200   'open serial port COM21 @ 115200 baud
      Joysticke 1, j  'get extended joystick data in array j
      x = j[0,0]      'X axis     
      y = j[1,0]      'Y axis
      z = j[3,0]      'Z axis
      s = j[2,0]      'slider
      b = j[6,0]      'buttons
      th = j[7,0]     'top hat directional button
      serialout "!~#}",x >> 8 ,x ,y >> 8 ,y ,z >> 8 ,z ,s >> 8 ,s ,b >> 8 ,b ,th >> 8 ,th
    goto loop:
  • Keith YoungKeith Young Posts: 569
    edited 2013-07-31 15:22
    Thanks ratronic.

    I can definately make use of that in other projects. This project will still be necessary for me though since I need to not rely on a computer.

    An update, when changing to 12 bit, the slope of my calibration curve is 1.5 so I'm having hassles. I'm looking in to F32, or another way around it since Spin seems to struggle with FLOAT variables.
  • Keith YoungKeith Young Posts: 569
    edited 2013-08-13 10:35
    I have done some searching with no great luck, and have a few ideas of my own, but I was wondering if you guys know best practices for calibrating ADC data from a Potentiometer. To use the full range seems to risk overflow of some sort, by going below 0 or above my maximum number of bits. To use a smaller range is a waste of resolution.
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2013-08-13 11:46

    This might be applicable to your project as far as fitting the range within a binary weighted value ...
  • Keith YoungKeith Young Posts: 569
    edited 2013-08-13 16:18
    The description sounds correct. I'll give it a try and post back how it goes.

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