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Using MTTTY To Set IP Address — Parallax Forums

Using MTTTY To Set IP Address

playinmyblues_nsccplayinmyblues_nscc Posts: 38
edited 2013-07-27 21:02 in BASIC Stamp
Hi. I have recently dug out a PINK module to use in a project. It does not show up when using ipsetup even when I use a dedicated 5 V voltage regulator. The problem with me using MTTTY is I do not know how to use it and cannot get the nb> prompt to show on the screen. I am using a MAX232 module with GND, VCC, TX, and RX pins.


  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2013-07-26 22:10
    I bought a PINK off EBay last year and the only way I was fortunate enough to get it to work was to plug it in to my router and hope it was set for DHCP. Fortunately it was and the user had no password set on it so I was able to log in that way. Not sure if this helps any but hopefully it does.
  • stamptrolstamptrol Posts: 1,731
    edited 2013-07-27 05:19
    The first step is to put power on the module and get the module to be identified using ipsetup.

    1. when you plug it into the network, do you get the green leds on the Ethernet connector to light?
    2. On ipsetup, have you got the ip addresses set to ? Baud rate at 115000?
    3. Once the module is identified, you'll have its local IP address and be able connect using a browser.
    4. not familiar with the nb> prompt you speak of. There are a number of simple test programs for the Stamps to check out the operation. If you get the module to connect, I've got several programs for systems I've built around the PINK which might help. Just let me know how you make out.

  • playinmyblues_nsccplayinmyblues_nscc Posts: 38
    edited 2013-07-27 09:29
    @NWCCTV and stamprol: Thanks for the replies. I should have just tried connecting my PINK to the router but I suppose I was lazy being in another room. I also figured that if it would not do what I wanted connected directly to my computer that it would not work with the router, thus the attempt to use MTTTY. A few years ago, in 2009, another student and myself were working on a similar project with a BS2 and a PINK. The other guy, no names mentioned, set the IP address to XXX.XXX.XXX.255 which under all normal usage circumstances sets the PINK to a Multicast Address which makes it pretty much useless. The note about this information is provided in the "PINK_Documentation.pdf" file, page 11 of 15, but was overlooked by both of us.

    We had to contact Parallax, that evening as the project presentation was the next morning, and ask for help. They told us how to do so, using a MAX232 line driver to access the PINK serially using MTTTY, if I remember correctly. I was hoping to figure out how to do this this time as it seems like a handy thing to know.
  • NWCCTVNWCCTV Posts: 3,629
    edited 2013-07-27 21:02
    So were you able to get the IP address?
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