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Help to measure height — Parallax Forums

Help to measure height

mahin2010mahin2010 Posts: 6
edited 2013-08-10 01:09 in Learn with BlocklyProp
hello dear , I want a sensor with the sensitivity 20cm , I want a sensor that measurement altimeter, I see ms5607, but I don't know how do it? do you can help me?Can anyone give me the code and its relationship with avr .Thanks for your helps.


  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2013-07-24 14:52
    There's Arduino code here.
  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2013-07-24 20:08
    Propeller code is there too!
  • mahin2010mahin2010 Posts: 6
    edited 2013-07-25 15:05
    thank a lot for your replay. do can give me their link.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2013-07-25 15:22
    mahin2010 wrote: »
    thank a lot for your replay. do can give me their link.

    The blue "here" in post #2 is a link. So is this sentence.
  • mahin2010mahin2010 Posts: 6
    edited 2013-07-26 13:12
    thank you very mush. MY project measurement high on the earth so I want control my robot in my room , and I have another question do ms5607 work in the ground or it was a sensor for measurement high on the sky?
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2013-07-26 13:24
    mahin2010 wrote: »
    thank you very mush. MY project measurement high on the earth so I want control my robot in my room , and I have another question do ms5607 work in the ground or it was a sensor for measurement high on the sky?

    I don't understand your question. You want to control a robot in your room and high on the earth? Is your room on a mountain?

    The MS5607 measures air pressure. It works at ground level and high in the sky.
  • mahin2010mahin2010 Posts: 6
    edited 2013-07-27 02:00
    I have heard from many people who can not do so. I want to measure the height of the ground level inside the chamber and the measurement I
    and a program that I Basnsvr and avr
  • mahin2010mahin2010 Posts: 6
    edited 2013-07-27 02:14
    I am a robot and this raises the S Rvrbat raises her hand and moves like a human being I have decided that I am in control of his movements I'm going to sit down, stand up and raise the robot to recognize when I am grateful for the advice and my room is on the earth.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-07-27 12:22
    We cannot help you with AVR programming. This is a forum for Parallax microcontrollers and other Parallax products. We have examples for the Basic Stamp and the Propeller and occasional examples for the Arduino.

    I don't know if this altimeter will do what you want. It has a resolution of 20cm. I suspect that this is under good circumstances and that it will be difficult to get this fine a resolution. In other words, the sensor will have to move more than 20cm for it to recognize a difference. Even a little bit of electronic noise may cause small errors and may interfere with getting that high a resolution.
  • mahin2010mahin2010 Posts: 6
    edited 2013-07-28 13:01
    hello dear
    Thanks for your answers;
    Actually I want to detect the difference of my robot hands height, this means when robot changes the height of its hands, I detect the difference. (I don’t need any other things! Just difference of hands height per second)
    So some of my friends suggest pressure sensors, is there any other idea? Solution?
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2013-07-28 13:12
    mahin2010 wrote: »
    Actually I want to detect the difference of my robot hands height, this means when robot changes the height of its hands, I detect the difference. (I don’t need any other things! Just difference of hands height per second)

    I don't think the altimeter would work well for this application.

    How are the hands moved? Could you add encoders to the joints so you can tell their positions? If you knew the position of each joint and the length of each segment, you could compute the position of the hands.
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2013-08-10 01:09
    If the hand raising is accomplished by rotating around a pivot point (like a shoulder) then a simple tilt sensor like a mercury switch could work.
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