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Basic stamps 2 and srf05 ultrasonic — Parallax Forums

Basic stamps 2 and srf05 ultrasonic

RcManiaCyprusRcManiaCyprus Posts: 3
edited 2013-07-25 09:18 in BASIC Stamp

I have a boe bot(basic stamps 2)I am trying to get it working with the hy-srf05 ultrasonic sensor.The sensor has 2 modes.One uses 2 different pins for trigger and echo and the other mode uses one pin for both echo and trigger.I tried getting the second mode(one pin both echo and trigger) working with the code provided by parallax for their ping))) ultrasonic sensor.Doesn't do anything.If any of you guys has code for either of the modes that would be great.And if anyone has modified the roaming with ping code to work with this sensor that would be great too!Any help would be much appreciatedThanks..


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