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Start up problems

DoofusDoofus Posts: 28
edited 2013-09-09 18:01 in Accessories
Per Wayne G
This thread is split off of post 15 on the Welcome to the Spinneret Web Server Forum

. Maybe I can better communicate what I'm experiencing.


1. Downloaded all the stuff from and

2. I set up my router thus:

router wired
wifes' laptop wireless
my laptop wired
cyclone III wired
spinneret wired
raspberry pi wired

and the router table has all of the MAC addresses
I put an sd card in and copied httpserv.spin and all of the associated files as per the file to it and re-inserted it into the board assuming the spinneret is the server side of all of this.
I plug in the cat-5 cable and the usb cable. The spinneret leds flash and go off.

I then turn on the propeller tool. I get a " no PUB routines found" error.

And that's where we're at. I was under the impression that once the httpserv.spin ( and others) were loaded onto the card, I would then start making http pages that it would support.


  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2013-07-15 09:15
    I put an sd card in and copied httpserv.spin and all of the associated files as per the file to it and re-inserted it into the board assuming the spinneret is the server side of all of this.
    I plug in the cat-5 cable and the usb cable. The spinneret leds flash and go off.
    Open HttpServer.spin in the Propeller tool. Press F11 to compile and load the spin code into the Propeller's EEPROM.
    And that's where we're at. I was under the impression that once the httpserv.spin ( and others) were loaded onto the card, I would then start making http pages that it would support.
    No, place your HTML web site on the SD card not the spin files. You don't have to worry about HttpServer.spin once loaded into EEPROM.

    Please note HttpServer is not the only file required. You must have all the spin file in the current directory otherwise you will receive an errors related to missing files.
    The first link above does not contains HttpServer.spin. It contains the new libraries...
    2. I set up my router thus:

    router wired
    wifes' laptop wireless
    my laptop wired
    cyclone III wired
    spinneret wired
    raspberry pi wired
    Make sure httpServer.spin is configured with the appropriate IP, MAC, and Subnet mask.
  • DoofusDoofus Posts: 28
    edited 2013-07-15 09:30
    So the propeller serial terminal is how i push index.htm to the spinneret?
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2013-07-15 09:40
    So the propeller serial terminal is how i push index.htm to the spinneret?
    No, just copy index.htm to the SD card using your PC.

    Please read the tutorial.
  • DoofusDoofus Posts: 28
    edited 2013-07-15 09:41
    What is the remote ip line for?
  • DoofusDoofus Posts: 28
    edited 2013-07-15 10:34
    When you're saying "Please read the tutorial" please understand that I am. I'm thinking there are differences I have not communicated. I'm not going thu a outside ISP. I'm trying to get the web page "index.htm" to come up on my computer from the spinneret ( both plugged directly into my router) after i load it on the sd card, and type in " When I do that, the web page times out. When I decide to make sure the eprom on the spinneret is up to date by pointing to the httpserv.spin directory where the associated routines are the propeller tool goes thru the normal compilation and spits out a "cant find com 4" error.

    I know this is frustrating, but i think something simple is being overlooked because i follow the instructions step by step and am not getting the expected result
  • DoofusDoofus Posts: 28
    edited 2013-07-15 10:56
    When i disconnect from the spinneret and plug into my professional board, point to httpserv and hit F11 the software loads correctly on com 3. Taking the same line to the spinneret i get the com 4 error again.
  • DoofusDoofus Posts: 28
    edited 2013-07-15 11:00
    If I go to the propeller professional board with the power turned off and do an F11, I get a com 3 error.

    This looks like the usb plug is wrong for the spinneret board.

    Once I plug in the spinneret should'nt some of the led's stay on?
  • Mike GMike G Posts: 2,702
    edited 2013-07-15 11:13
    How are you powering the Spinneret?

    I apply 5V to J6 - see page 7 in the Spinneret manual.
  • ElectrodudeElectrodude Posts: 1,665
    edited 2013-07-15 11:13
    The usb adapter used for programming doesn't supply power. Connect the R and B lines 3 pin header next to the ethernet jack to power and ground on your PPDB.

  • LtechLtech Posts: 380
    edited 2013-07-16 01:02
    Some time i pluged the propplug upside down on spinneret :-(

    Check if tx spinneret is pluget in rx propplug, and not vss
  • DoofusDoofus Posts: 28
    edited 2013-08-30 20:54
    All is working, everybody in the village is now dancing for joy. By the way, what is the male equivalent to J1? I looked up Hirose Electric Co., Ltd H10172-ND, which is the listing for J1 in the documentation, and sent them a request....well I tried. They reject any requests that require the use of free emails ( like my ). Pooy on them.

    So I'm curious, will the Daughterboard Extension Cable Item code 800-28301 from Parallax work for this plug?
  • DoofusDoofus Posts: 28
    edited 2013-09-07 19:25
    Has anybody come up with a plug to mate with the J2 socket?

  • RforbesRforbes Posts: 281
    edited 2013-09-09 18:01
    Yup that cable will work. :-)
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