Complementary filter equation
Posts: 1
I have a problem with equation for complementary filter. I'm using MPU 6050 triple axis accelerometer and gyro. I have read the data from the sensor and allready use few equations. But with this equation (kot_final) i have problems. It gives me weird result. I think the problem is with floating numbers. But i cant find the mistake. Or it's something else? Please help me with that:/
my code:
result on serial terminal:
Thank you!
I have a problem with equation for complementary filter. I'm using MPU 6050 triple axis accelerometer and gyro. I have read the data from the sensor and allready use few equations. But with this equation (kot_final) i have problems. It gives me weird result. I think the problem is with floating numbers. But i cant find the mistake. Or it's something else? Please help me with that:/
my code:
repeat debug.dec(GetRX) debug.str(string(", ")) debug.dec(GetRY) debug.str(string(", ")) debug.dec(GetRZ) debug.str(string(" ")) debug.dec(GetAX) debug.str(string(", ")) debug.dec(GetAY) debug.str(string(", ")) debug.dec(GetAZ) debug.tx(13) fXg := F.FFloat(GetRX) ''gyro fYg := F.FFloat(GetRY) fZg := F.FFloat(GetRZ) fX := F.FFloat(GetAX) ''acc fY := F.FFloat(GetAY) fZ := F.FFloat(GetAZ) kotY := F.FRound(F.FMul(F.Degrees(F.ATan2(fZ, fY)), 1000.0)) debug.str(string("kot okrog osi Y= ")) '''DecPoint(kotY, 1000) debug.dec(kotY) debug.tx(13) kotX := F.FRound(F.FMul(F.Degrees(F.ATan2(fZ, fX)), 1000.0)) debug.str(string("kot okrog osi X= ")) '''DecPoint(kotX, 1000) debug.dec(kotX) debug.tx(13) ''angle := (0.98)*(angle + gyro*dt) + (0.02)*(x_acc) kot_final := F.FSub(F.FMul(98.0,F.FSub(kot_final,F.FMul(fXg,1.0))), F.FMul(2.0,kotX)) [SIZE=3] [COLOR=#ff0000]<------Problem with that[/COLOR][/SIZE] debug.str(string("kot_final= ")) '''DecPoint(kotX, 1000) debug.dec(kot_final) debug.tx(13)
result on serial terminal:
Thank you!
The dec method will not display a floating point number as expected either. You either need an object to display floats or to convert the float to an integer prior to displaying the number.
I'd suggest you try some simple math with numbers you can check to learn to use the floating point object. Make sure you understand how the "FRound" method works.