Source of Stepper Motors

I'm helping a friend with a prop (as in theatrical prop, not the Propeller -- though we will use the Propeller to run it!) that requires two stepper motors. I'm looking for a reliable source of steppers as he may need to build several if all works out. Thanks!
I've never bought stepper motors except as surplus, due to the price differential vs. new. Assuming the latter is what you're looking for, however, try Stock Drive Products/Sterling Instruments:
But for the small tiny ones with good controller support... try Pololu. They have an excellent selection with related hardware and all are 200 steps.
Phil, thanks for the pointer, I'll take a look at them. Something that drives me crazy about buying used or surplus steppers is that the seller will often list the form factor (e.g. NEMA 23), but not the torque. Those guys look like they list both.
The project is a Ouija board gag. A Propeller circuit will allow an operator to select an answer and an XY arrangement underneath will move the puck to spell it out.The puck will be magnetically coupled with the carriage.