Propeller/Mouse Interference
Posts: 16
I am running a fairly simple Propeller application that uses one of the counters to measure the resistance of a thermistor via an RC decay, converts the resistance measurement to temperature, then outputs the temperature to the serial port using the Parallax Serial Terminal. The routine uses the f32math routines as well as the Parallax Serial terminal. What has happened to me is that my mouse almost goes dead when the serial terminal is running. What I mean by almost dead is that the mouse has to be moved huge distances to get the pointer to move even a bit, and button clicks are delayed several seconds. When I disable the serial terminal, the mouse functions normally. There seems to be some kind of interference between the mouse and Propeller com ports? Also, I am not tying up the serial port with tons of data; the temperature reading and output to the serial port is done only once each second and it steams out only about 20 characters per measurement. I have written several Propeller programs for various purposes and used the serial terminal in the past with no problems. Any ideas what might be going on?
What serial speed are you using? The FullDuplexSerial driver has 16 bytes of buffer (not sure about PST). I posted a modified FDX (FullDuplexSerial_rr004.spin IIRC) that permits the buffers to be lengthened simply. If you are filling the buffer, spin will wait until it can put all the characters into the buffer. Perhaps this is the problem?