SimpleIDE Translations
Hi all.
We need to update some translations for SimpleIDE.
Any help would be appreciated with updating these languages: Finnish, German, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese
We have completed translations for these languages: French, Simplified Chinese, Spanish
Any other language translations would be helpful. We are likely looking at a 1.0 release before end of July. So translations should be completed by then.
Thanks for all your help.
Best Regards,
We need to update some translations for SimpleIDE.
Any help would be appreciated with updating these languages: Finnish, German, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese
We have completed translations for these languages: French, Simplified Chinese, Spanish
Any other language translations would be helpful. We are likely looking at a 1.0 release before end of July. So translations should be completed by then.
Thanks for all your help.
Best Regards,
My translator is willing to look at Japanese if you are interested. How does one get started?
What I'm most concerned about is that we have several partial translations from the older version that need updates.
I'm not a C programmer, so I'm not really suited for the task but in case I'll gladly contribute. Could I learn terminology from a translated ide In case (say microsoft)?
Hi Massimo.
An Italian translation would be most welcome!
Don't need to be a C programmer to do a SimpleIDE translation. Unpack the attached .zip and follow instructions below.
This is some example instructions for Japanese:
You will need to use a program called QT Linguist to perform the translations. If you do not already have it installed, please download it from this website:
Since you are using a Mac, download the second download item near the bottom marked “Qt Linguist 4.6.0 OSX”.
Once you have QT Linguist downloaded and installed, open the “simpleide.ts” translation source file. When you open the file, QT Linguist will ask you what language you will be translating to. Or course, select “Japanese” from the “Target Language” section. It should look like this:
Once you click OK, you should now see the main view. It will look like this:
In this screenshot, I have labeled important areas with red arrows and numbers. Each area is described by number below:
1. Context selection window – within each context, multiple items to be translated exist.
2. Source Text selection window – select the source phrase to write a translation for.
3. The exact source text that needs to be translated.
4. The entry box for the translated text – write an appropriate translation for the source text here.
5. Mark the item as done and move the next item – click this button once you have completed a translation.
That is all there is to translating SimpleIDE to Japanese! You can save your progress to the translation source file and the continue translationlater. When you are all done, please send the completed translation source file.
I'll report in a couple of days. The beginning of the week will be extremely busy.
If I don't want to translate something shall I leave it blank or should I copy the original?