New to Prop...looking for some help with my code
hello every, Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am looking to learn the prop language... I have read a lot of material on it already, now I am looking to learn by doing. what I have done is hooked up the 3 axis gyroscope (L3g4300D). That is working with this current code...I also have the quick start board light up P16...showing me it is working. What I would like to do now is light up pin 17 when x axis is above 0 or maybe another nominal number to show x movement...then the same with p18 to show Y axis movement. I have the current code attached
{LED WITH 3 AXIS L3G4200D Test File for Learning multi-functions with a sensor} VAR long stack[30] byte cog OBJ axis : "3-axis_L3g4200D" PUB LaunchBlinkCogs dira [16..18]~~ cognew(stay(16), @stack[0]) cognew((axis.go), @stack[8]) PUB Blink( pin, rate, reps) dira[pin]~~ outa[pin]~ repeat reps * 2 waitcnt(rate/2 + cnt) !outa[pin] pub stay (pin) dira[pin] :=1 !outa[pin] repeat repeat until cog := 0 stop PUB Start(Pin, DelayMS, Count): Success stop Success := (Cog := cognew(blink(Pin, DelayMS, Count), @Stack) + 1) pub stop if Cog cogstop(Cog~ - 1)And the Object code is
OBJ pst : "FullDuplexSerial" CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _clkfreq = 80_000_000 SDApin = 0 ' SDA of gyro connected to P0 SCLpin = 1 ' SCL of gyro connected to P1 WRITE = $D2 ' Request Write operation READ = $D3 ' Request Read operation ' Control registers CTRL_REG1 = $20 CTRL_REG2 = $21 CTRL_REG3 = $22 CTRL_REG4 = $23 STATUS_REG = $27 OUT_X_INC = $A8 x_idx = 0 y_idx = 1 z_idx = 2 VAR long x long y long z long cx long cy long cz long ff_x long ff_y long ff_z long multiBYTE[3] PUB Go | last_ticks pst.start(31, 30, 0, 4800) ' Set modes Wrt_1B(CTRL_REG3, $08) ' Fata ready signal Wrt_1B(CTRL_REG4, $80) ' Block data update Wrt_1B(CTRL_REG1, $1F) ' Enable all axes last_ticks := cnt repeat pst.tx(1) ' Set Terminal data at top of screen WaitForDataReady Read_MultiB(OUT_X_INC) ' Read XYZ bytes ' Divide by 114 to reduce noise x := (x - cx) / 114 y := (y - cy) / 114 z := (z - cz) / 114 RawXYZ WaitCnt(ClkFreq / 4 + Cnt) ' Delay before next loop PUB RawXYZ 'Display Raw X,Y,Z data pst.str(string("RAW X ",11)) pst.dec(x) pst.str(string(13, "RAW Y ",11)) pst.dec(y) pst.str(string(13, "RAW Z ",11)) pst.dec(z) '' Below here routines to support I2C interfacing PUB WaitForDataReady | status repeat status := Read_1B(STATUS_REG) if (status & $08) == $08 quit PUB Wrt_1B(SUB1, data) ''Write single byte to Gyroscope. start send(WRITE) send(SUB1) send(data) stop PUB Read_1B(SUB3) | rxd ''Read single byte from Gyroscope start send(WRITE) send(SUB3) stop start send(READ) rxd := receive(false) stop result := rxd PUB Read_MultiB(SUB3) ''Read multiple bytes from Gyroscope start send(WRITE) send(SUB3) stop start send(READ) multiBYTE[x_idx] := (receive(true)) | (receive(true)) << 8 multiBYTE[y_idx] := (receive(true)) | (receive(true)) << 8 multiBYTE[z_idx] := (receive(true)) | (receive(false)) << 8 stop x := ~~multiBYTE[x_idx] y := ~~multiBYTE[y_idx] z := ~~multiBYTE[z_idx] PRI send(value) value := ((!value) >< 8) repeat 8 dira[SDApin] := value dira[SCLpin] := false dira[SCLpin] := true value >>= 1 dira[SDApin] := false dira[SCLpin] := false result := not(ina[SDApin]) dira[SCLpin] := true dira[SDApin] := true PRI receive(aknowledge) dira[SDApin] := false repeat 8 result <<= 1 dira[SCLpin] := false result |= ina[SDApin] dira[SCLpin] := true dira[SDApin] := (aknowledge) dira[SCLpin] := false dira[SCLpin] := true dira[SDApin] := true PRI start outa[SDApin] := false outa[SCLpin] := false dira[SDApin] := true dira[SCLpin] := true PRI stop dira[SCLpin] := false dira[SDApin] := false
Im new to parallax also. Im looking forward to someone helping you with this code.I think what your trying to do will be a good learning curve for both
of us newby's. Here's a thought. What if the leds slowly brighten as you tilt the gyro. and slowly dim as you move to center , and off when centered.
Food for thought.
Thanks anyhow. But when you do finish your code. Please post it so I can learn what you did.