Automated CLimate Control
Hello, i want to make a project which will conttrol temperature
i have the source code but i don't have a connection diagram, and i want to eliminate cooler
I also don`t know how to use PLX-DAQ to send results to excel sheet in my PC. Do you have any idea/suggestions how can i do that?
Thanx a lot!
i have the source code but i don't have a connection diagram, and i want to eliminate cooler
I also don`t know how to use PLX-DAQ to send results to excel sheet in my PC. Do you have any idea/suggestions how can i do that?
Thanx a lot!
1) Try to contact the people who did this project. They may have a writeup that they're willing to share.
2) Complex projects like this one are built up a piece at a time. Parallax has many of the pieces you'd need and they have examples and documents for each of these separate sensors, etc.
3) Look through the Nuts & Volts Columns and the tutorials, particularly Column #91. From Parallax's main webpage, click on the Resources tab to get to the Columns and click on the Downloads button to get to the Tutorials page. In particular, you might want to look at the Process Control tutorial, the Industrial Control tutorial, and the Smart Sensors tutorial.
4) Download PLX-DAQ from the Stamp Software page via the Downloads page. There's a manual included that describes how to use it.
I have experimented some with what your looking for it think
monitoring temp & humidity , and displaying and controlling them tru a webpage served by the wizet
maybe you should check the old post on that
I have a :
Basic stamp 2 development board.
a BS2-IC module rev J
a PC brushless fan 12 V , 0.56 Amps
a SHT15 temp&humid sensor
and i don`t know which relays are good for powering my fan. i found in stores Solid state relays but are to expensive. I want to use electromagnetic because are cheaper. Can i use that instead?
and still, i don`t know how to link PLX-DAQ with the sensor to send my temp&humid readings to excel sheet. i red the help file, but i`m a bit confused.
do you know how could i do that?
I see that you used a propeller board, which is quite different than mine, and you bought a website module from wizet which stores the data on a website.
But i don`t need that. i only want to save data on excel sheet.
Thank you
I dont know if the stamp is up to all that , I only have some experience with the propeller , it has 8 cores . so you can kinda say its 8 stamps in one ,, to better suit the job .
There is no data being stored on a website , the wiznet acts as a small server itself and hosts this webpage , tru the webpage you could see the actual data that is being read by the sensor
at some point i decided to put all the html code out of the propeller and onto my server that I have running at home cause the html was stored on eerprom and was eating large chunks of memory , I was running out of space .So was forced to
I could have put the sd card in and solve it by putting all the code on the sd card ant let the prop send it to the wiznet , but i just didnt want to implement it for the function it had . maybe for you a better idea to use a sd card , you need it anyway if you want to save the data you record ,.
, I used a sht-11 (probably not alot different then yours) .
At the time I bought it at mouser because it was new and there warent any drivers andso for it . Now day you have a verry good start sourcecode of Mike G for the wiznet . and there is a quickstartboard expansion of the wiznet , so ist a snap on and your ready to go (quistart i see is out of stock , maybe you could get a second hand one orso ).
Thats if you want it to have net connectivity and be monitored and controlled via any browser in the network .
You could always just ad a sd-card to the prop , and let it store all the data on there and import it later to the excel sheet
I have to say i struggled with the PLX-DAQ myself without understanding it and gave up and went for this approach , so I cant help you with that
if you want to monitor via network and let the microcontroller do the monitoring and controlling then I think you will need a prop anyway ,
I my situation the 8 cores were used like below
4 cores to run the wiznet and keep communications with the network
1 core that continuasly monitors the sensores .
1 core that runs the main program ( flowchart - if this then that )
1 core to run a display on the prop and interface tru a few buttons
can be optiized of course , and i havent looked at it for a while
but it does work verry nicely
if its a scool project , 1 thing I knoow , If you can let the teacher take his/her smartphone out of his pocket , go to a website ,. .login . see the graps running and be able to controll it . He wil be SOLD ! .
What you want to do sound exactly what is talked about in Industrial Control and Product Control both of which can be downloaded from the Parallax website. These books use a different sensor hooked up to an Analog-to-Digital-Converter (ADC) and the small 12V fan is control by a Transistor and data is recorded and graphed using a program called StampPlot. In Industrial Control the goal is to keep the temperature consistent in an incubator but a computer case is similar. You of course know that there are PC cooling kits that you can buy that have fan controllers and some even have fancy digital displays.
and source code:
Attachements :
Source code:
What should i do next?
Thank you
I made the fan to run(used transistor BD411 instead of relay), but now i don`t know how should i connect it to microcontroller, so that when the SHT15 will detect the temperature above 26 degrees C, it will start my cooling fan, and after the temp reaches 24 degrees, it will stop it.
any ideas?
Thanx a lot
'*************************************TEMPERATURE SENSOR********************************************
GOSUB SHT_Measure_Temp
DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 3
DEBUG "soT...... "
DEBUG "tC....... "
DEBUG SDEC (tC / 10), ".", SDEC1 tC, DegSym, ClrRt, CR
SEROUT sPin,Baud,["CELL,SET,B2,",SDEC (tC / 10), ".", SDEC1 tC,CR] 'Send Current temprature (C) to Excel Sheet
DEBUG "tF....... "
DEBUG SDEC (tF / 10), ".", SDEC1 tF, DegSym, ClrRt, CR
SEROUT sPin,Baud,["CELL,GET,B1,",CR] ' Read Temprature Threshold from the Excel Database
SERIN sPin, Baud,200,Timeout1,[SDEC tempthresh] ' Set Threshold Value to the read value
DEBUG "tempthresh...", tempthresh, CR, CR
tempthresh = ((tempthresh*10) + 400)*10 'This converts value from degree to analog value from temp sensor.
SEROUT sPin,Baud,["CELL,SET,C7,",SDEC tempthresh,CR] 'Send Set temprature (C) to Excel Sheet for verification
'Comparing Temperature Threshold Values
IF (soT < tempthresh) THEN high_hot_fan 'If sensor temp is less than threshold then run this routine.
IF ((soT > tempthresh) & (soT < (tempthresh+100))) THEN low_cool_fan 'If sensor temp value is between threshold and threshold+100 then run this routine.
IF (soT > (tempthresh+100)) THEN high_cool_fan 'If sensor temp value is more than threshold+100 the run the cooling fan routine.
DEBUG "Turning Cooler ON....", CR
HIGH relay1
LOW relay
DEBUG "Turning Fans OFF....", CR
LOW relay
LOW relay1
DEBUG "Turning Heater ON....", CR
HIGH relay
LOW relay1
Exercise 2 of Chapter 5 of Industrial Control sounds similar to what you want to do. Omit all the DEBUG commands that start with "!abcd.." since you don't want to use StampPlot. They use an LM34 connected to an ADC0831 so you can substitute your SHT15 code. By the way Parallax doesn't sell the SHT15 but they do sell the SHT11 and both devices are on the same datasheet. In Industrial Control they turn a heater on and off similar to what you want to do with your fan.
I'm glad you got your circuit and program to work. I can understand you're excited about it but it's not nice (IMO) to post a link to your video in multiple old threads about the Sensirion sensor.
here your project detail Click here
Sounds very interesting and helpful! Thanks for sharing Claiudiu.
thanks our moderator Mike Green. great Teacher.
Oh, I liked how your method used the light in the room to active the fan. I've been trying to figure out how I'd want a system in our house to work. I'm not sure if I'd want just the light to be the trigger.
I imagine each room would have its own set of rules of acceptable temperature ranges. I'd like to add some sort of speech recognition to each room so I could verbally instruct the controller on when I want the cooling or heat turned on.
I thought it odd the linked paper didn't have a date (at least not one I could find). When was your project submitted?
Thanks Duane