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need help understanding I2C — Parallax Forums

need help understanding I2C

teganburnsteganburns Posts: 134
edited 2013-06-20 20:13 in Propeller 1
As some of you know i have been working on my "Autonomous Tri-copter project"

It uses the MPU-9150 chip (Documentation: and Registry map: )

I have gotten "some" data back ( I attached a picture of what i had received written down, along with my code)

I used the I2c driver.spin and i tried the Basic i2c driver.spin.

So i guess what I don't understand is registry maps and how to use them, what I'm looking for in the code that i get back, and how come in the example code that i have seen there is no waiting for ACK before sending the next command?
1024 x 1365 - 75K


  • JasonDorieJasonDorie Posts: 1,930
    edited 2013-06-18 22:42
    The register maps are for two things - Configuration of the chip, and reading the sensors. The configuration part is where you set things like sensitivity, range, options like whether to enable free fall detection or the interrupt line, and so on. Reading the sensors is fairly obvious. In both cases, you send a header containing the ID of the I2C device and the register you're interested in, and then you either write the value to store in the register, or read the value from the register, depending on certain fields set in the preceding data.

    I don't have a driver for the 9150 yet, but if you compare the ITG3200 driver I wrote with the datasheet for it, it might help a bit. The routines in there for setting / reading registers should work with almost no modification. The configuration code and code to read the sensor values will need to change for the appropriate register addresses and settings, but it may be easier than starting from scratch.

    The attached file is a Spin version that should be a bit easier to follow, and does the initial register setting for the ITG, then reads the sensor values for temperature, x, y, and z. It uses single writes for the configuration, but sequential (auto-incrementing) reads for the sensor registers.

    The ITGWriteRegisterByte function writes a value to a specific register on the chip, so ITGWriteRegisterByte( 22, $1A ) would set register 22 to the value 26 ($1A).

    The ITGStartRead function sets up a sequential read operation from a specified address. The ContinueRead function reads a single byte from that address, and tells the chip to auto-increment to the next register. The FinishRead function reads a byte a signals that the read is complete.

    Make sure that the chip ID value you're sending is a 7-bit value PLUS an additional 8th bit - the last bit tells the chip you're either reading or writing.

    In my code it looks like this:
    PRI  ITGReadRegisterByte( addr ) : result
        WriteByte( %11010010 )     ' 7 bits, plus a zero bit, total of 8 bits - this is a write
        WriteByte( addr )          ' The address of the register to read from
        WriteByte( %11010011 )     ' 7 bits, plus a one bit, total of 8 bits - this is a read
        result := ReadByte( 1 )

    So, the address the datasheet tells you is usually the 7-bit version. Your code will need to shift it up by one bit, and concatenate the 0/1 bit to it, or you can hard wire it like I've done in the above code. Getting the ID wrong was the thing I did most often the first few times I wrote drivers. The chips often have a pin that allows you to select from two different IDs. The 9150 breakout from Sparkfun provides the pullup resistors, so you won't have to deal with those.
  • shimniokshimniok Posts: 177
    edited 2013-06-19 01:13
    teganburns wrote: »
    So i guess what I don't understand is registry maps and how to use them, what I'm looking for in the code that i get back, and how come in the example code that i have seen there is no waiting for ACK before sending the next command?

    It might be that the example code isn't written to deal with ACKs. Of course ACKs (or NACKs) happen almost immediately after every 8 bits of data are transferred. Whether it's the master sending ACK to the slave to notify that more data is requested, or the slave sending ACK to the master notifying that it received the address. I don't know if this helps or not...
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2013-06-19 06:03
    The ACK/NAK bit is used for two things. When transmitting data to a device, the ACK indicates that the device is receiving the data and its absence usually indicates that the device isn't actually there or is turned off. When receiving data, the presence of data tells you that the device is operating. The ACK indicates that another data byte will be sent. It's absence indicates that the associated data byte is the last one and no more data will be sent until some other operation is done. There's no waiting for the ACK/NAK bit. The I2C objects use ACK/NAK to indicate an error (when data is being sent to a device) or to mark the end of a received data stream.

    Delays in the reception of data are done by "clock stretching" where the slave keeps a clock pulse low (normally provided by the master) until the data bit is actually placed on the bus. Read the description of the I2C bus protocol on the Wikipedia for details.
  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2013-06-19 08:15 case anybody is interested:

    This is the official description of the I2C interface - the proverbial "horses mouth".
  • teganburnsteganburns Posts: 134
    edited 2013-06-20 14:56
    Thanks all! :D

    @Jason I messed /w the sample for a while and got nothing. I don't exactly understand what registers NEED to be written to to begin reading the sensor registers...

    In the code attached i attempted to write to initialize the self_test, then read the other self_test registers. (Obviously it didn't work but...)

    EDIT: There is a chance i had the correct code at one point because i had saved MPU-9150. spin in the prop library( the one my "code" was using, And another MPU-9150. spin on my desktop. (The one i was editing but not using)

    I'll keep trying!! :)
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2013-06-20 16:37
    @davejames case anybody is interested:

    This is the official description of the I2C interface - the proverbial "horses mouth".

    Hey thanks - that is really interesting reading. I didn't realise there were so many fast modes, up to megabits per second. This has got me thinking about two propeller chips, master and slave, talking via the ultra-fast 5Mhz I2C protocol...
  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2013-06-20 20:13 are welcome, Sir. :thumb:
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