Engineer This!
Posts: 20,259
A little website with some cool homemade projects, even if the guy uses the wrong processor. Some IK for Martin_H, a quad walker, RoboVoice (for me), a CNC router, and a motion tracking airsoft gun.
I like his CNC machine. I've be itching to make/buy some sort of CNC router and I think I'll start looking on ebay for the linear bearing he used.
I think a 12" x 24" cutting area would be enough for my needs.
While hexapods are creepy they at least mimic something we're familiar with. This quadruped moves like no animal on Earth because of the weight shifting side to side. It looks a bit drunk as it tries to avoid dynamic stability which is natural to most land animals.
The quadruped video made me curious if any animals use that gait. It turns out that it is called the creep or "pacing" gait and is used by cats, camels, and giraffes. The gait is characterized by moving two legs on one side before moving the opposite side. It is statically stable and used when the animal is on uneven ground which makes complete sense. However, these animals can transition to the trot or "diagonal" gait which is the classic dynamically stable quadruped gait.!?highlight=giraffe